Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture

Modern management is considering organizational culture as a powerful strategic tool to guide all departments and employees on common goals. There are several definitions of organizational (corporate) culture.

learned and applied by members of the organization values and norms that are both critically determine their behavior;

atmosphere or social climate in the organization;

Dominant in the organization of a system of values and styles of behavior. Based on these definitions for the organizational (corporate) culture understood in the basic values and norms shared by the majority of members, as well as their external manifestations (organizational behavior). (Allaire, 1997)

Other Definitions

E. Jack have said that the other man in the habit has become a tradition of thinking and mode of action, which is more or less shared by all employees of the company and which must be learned and at least partially adopted by newcomers to the new members of staff were there.

H. Schwartz and S. Davis said that the complex beliefs and expectations shared by members of the organization, these beliefs and expectations shape the norms, which largely determine the behavior in the organization of individuals and groups.

PB Vale said that the system of relations, actions and artifacts, which can withstand the test of time, and provides members of this unique cultural society pretty common for them to psychology. (Allaire, 1997)

K. Gold has said that the unique characteristics of the perceived characteristics of the organization, something that sets it apart from all others in the industry.

E. Shane has said that complex basic assumptions, invented, discovered or developed by a group in order to learn how to cope with the problems of external adaptation of internal integration, functioning long enough to prove their worth, to be transferred to new members of the organization as the only right. G. Morgan said that one way of implementing organizational performance through the use of language, folklore, traditions and other means of transmission of core values, beliefs, ideologies that guide the activities of the company back on track. (Allaire, 1997)

Organizational culture has two main functions:

• Internal integration: implements the internal integration of members of the organization so that they know how they should interact with each other;

• External adaptation: it helps the organization to adapt to the environment. (Trice, 2000)

Key elements of organizational culture:

• Behavioral stereotypes: the common language used by members of the organization, customs and traditions they follow, the rituals performed by them in certain situations.

• Group norms: the standards inherent in groups and patterns governing the conduct of their members. (Frost, 2001)

• Proclaimed values: articulated, publicly declared principles and values, which seeks to implement an organization or group ("quality", "market leadership", etc.).

• The philosophy of the organization: the most common political and ideological principles that guide its actions toward employees, customers or intermediaries.

• Rules: The rules of conduct when working in the organization, traditions and limitations that should be learned novice to become a full member of the organization, ...
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