Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture (Unit 4)

Organizational Culture


Organizational culture is a set of shared values, ethics, standards and assumptions that guide the behaviours and attitudes of its participants. It also influences the way individual perceives, responds and react to the situation. Organizational culture is the most important element in the success of an organization. It does not only influence the behaviours and decisions of employees; however, it also helps in identifying the current happenings and reasons of all the activities happening in the business. Organizational culture influences the behaviour of the employees and is also known as the character of any business. It is necessary to improve the organizational culture of any organization in order to manage it and to ensure the success. There are three different tasks in this assignment which are based on two companies, Siemens and Apple.

Task 11.1 Two Organizational Models

An organizational design is driven by its goals and assist in business operations and the way those operations are carried out. According to the case study of Siemens, the two organizational models are “talent management” and “performance management”. In order to maintain their competitive advantage, Siemens have to manage their employees and there performance. Siemens is a layered structure company.

Talent Management

The philosophy of Siemens' talent management is to ensure that every employee capabilities comply with their job description. In addition, effective guidance and support should be provided so that there full potential could be achieved. Siemens has created a global talent management system which is used by its 400,000 users across the world with different languages in a period of only 18 months. They use cloud computing and implement different business principles to manage their ability. Siemens ensure that there people have direct access to the top people in the right roles so that they could get the best outcome.

Performance Management

Operations of Siemens' organization are based on a teamwork culture. Teams are formed by the top management and are evaluated on the set targets and goals (Daum, 2005, pp. 1-6). Performance is evaluated periodically by the management, and the employees are rewarded accordingly. In order to create a competitive environment within the organization, performance management is very necessary. It is a key to maintain and enhance personal performance which will eventually leads towards the success of the organization (Daum, 2005, pp. 1-6). 1.2 National Culture Theories

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner

Tompenaars proposed a theory according to which business managers should remember the three R's; Recognize, Respect and Reconcile (Harvy, 197, pp. 132-146). In a cross cultural competence, it is necessary to learn about different cultures, but one should not forget that every person is an individual in his own uprightness (Learning Diary, 2010, Pp. 1-2). Every person should respect other cultures, differences, shared understand and values. In order to run a successful business and manage a multinational business efficiently, person should learn to reconcile these differences. He identifies seven different dimensions of culture (Harvy, 197, pp. 132-146).

Universalism vs. Particularism

Individualism vs. Communitarians

Specific to diffuse

Neutral through to being Affective

Achievement to Ascription


Internal to External control


Hofstede proposed ...
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