Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture


Organizational culture is referred to the collective behavior of the people who are a part of an organization and their actions that are related to the organization. Organizations culture involves vision, systems, and values, working language, norms, systems, habits and beliefs of an organization. Organizational culture has become an important subject to be studied and considered for the effectiveness of an organization. The core focus of this essay is to analyze the most important aspects that contribute towards identifying the importance of organizational culture by addressing some of the most important questions relating to organizational culture.


When and why did the concept of organizational culture become relevant and studied on a regular basis?

The concept of organizational culture became relevant in businesses in the late 1980's and early 1990's. This was the period in which the concept of organizational culture became widespread and was studied on regular basis. It is observed that the managers already used the concept of corporate or organizational culture in the beginning of the 1980's. Organizational culture was considered relevant and important to be studied because the business world began to be more competitive and the efficient and effective management of the resources within the organization became very important for every organization to survive in the competitive business environment. The concept of organizational emerged to be important because it defines the way in which the employees interact with each other within the organization, and also enables the organization to promote healthy competition in the business world. Organizational culture also became important because it provides the employees a common platform for working in collaboration with each other. Organizational culture also enables the employees of an organization to establish the brand image of their organization (Pirjol, 2012). The importance of studying organizational culture was felt to provide the employees working in organizations with certain policies to work in the best interest of their organizations. These were the most significant reasons due to which the concept of organizational culture became relevant for businesses.

What factors contribute to organizational culture and how have these factors changed or evolved?

There are a number of factors that contribute towards the organizational culture of an organization.

The individuals working in the organization contribute towards the organizational culture because each individual have his own interests, values and mentality that sum up to evolve as a part of the culture of the organization.

Secondly, the gender of the employees also contributes towards the organizational culture of the organization.

The business in which the organization is involved will also contribute towards organizational culture because the culture will pursue according to the nature of business of the organization.

The vision and objectives of the organization will also play a vital role in the development of organizational culture of the organization.

The external parties and the customers of the organization also contribute towards the shaping of the organizational culture of the organization.

These are the most significant factors that contribute towards the organizational culture of an organization. It is obvious that these factors change according ...
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