Organizational Culture

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An Analysis of the Organizational Culture of Disney Land

An Analysis of the Organizational Culture of Disney Land


Organizational culture can be defined as the anything that deals with the people and the unique style and quality that an organization pursue in the doing things (Martins & von der Ohe, 2006, pp.130). Culture involves the sharing of the perceptions that can be diverse and varied in the nature. The culture of the organization held the different characteristics depending on the culture environment influences and values of the society. The organizational culture also entails what kind of learning environment an organization provide to its new members and what they think, perceive and feel about the organization. The organizational culture impacts the way people interact within the organization, with customers and other stakeholders. The analysis of the organizational culture entails the dimensions of the behaviours, languages and artefacts that influence the daily organizational activities (Myers & McCaulley, 1985).

The organizational culture can be divided into the strong and weak cultures. The strong culture entails that staff in the organization is response-stimulus orientated to the organizational vision, mission and values (Martins & von der Ohe, 2006, pp.130). There is significant relationship between the strong culture and the performance or the organizations. The strong cultures give organizations to operate more efficiently and effectively, exploiting the diverse range of opportunities and less probability of the tweaking of existing procedures and values in the organization. The strong cultures encourage the innovation and risk taking and there is little intervention of the authorities in the organization. Their focus lies on the management of the people rather than the management of the profits, because when the people are happy the profits are inevitable. Further, strong cultures are more adaptive to the organizational change than the weak cultures (Martins & von der Ohe, 2006, pp.130).

The weak cultures on the other hand are contrast to the strong cultures which entails that there are little alignment of the mission, vision, values and standard practices within organization. Further, weak cultures discourage the innovation and risk taking and reluctant to the organizational change. The weak cultures are relied on extensive procedures, status quo and bureaucracy (Martins & von der Ohe, 2006, pp.130).

Overview of the Disney and its environment

Disney is popular name in the homes across of the globe, because of its magical experience that their visitors enjoy on their theme parks, which is the result of vast amount of training to its employees to constantly endeavour to provide best quality of customer service so that every person's visit becomes their one of the memorable experiences of their life. The Disney not only provides training to their actors who are there to entertain the people but also provides the structured learning environment of the customer satisfaction through the Disney Institute (PCH Profit Report, 1999).

Disney encourages the training to their employees and everyone in the organization to the build the strong culture within organization and to be a customer-responsive ...
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