Organizational Conflict

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Organizational Conflict

Organizational Conflict


Conflict is a phenomenon that exists nearly in every organization. It occurs when there is a difference of opinion and perceptions of people working in the organization. Conflicts also are a result of the uncertainty that can evolve in the organization. These uncertainties are due to objectives set to achieve goals. The uncertainty to achieve the goals in time often results in conflict.


Organizational Conflicts

Conflicts in an organization occur between the agents who have difference of opinion over certain issue. The agents can either be individual or a group of people or companies. Conflicts in a positive term can be taken as a reason to produce innovative ideas or methods to foster benefits for the organization through team work. It can build value for diversity (Ikeda, 2005).

In negative terminology, conflicts can become the reason of destruction for the organization and can disrupt the communication channels over which people work with each other (Ikeda 2005). Conflicts can influence the relationship between the staff by weakening the communication and bonding between them.

Significance of Organizational Conflict

Marketing environment is surrounded by competition that makes organizations susceptible to conflicts. The significance of conflicts can be measured through the stimulation of creativeness that can facilitate the growth and success of an organization in the market. The interest of managing conflicts and using it as a positive tool has developed recently.

Organizational conflicts help in enhancing the performance of an organization and this in turn increases the probability of productivity. This shows that the conflict can be of two types; cooperative and competitive (Holban & Macanu, 2011). Conflict management is a paradigm and its role decides whether the conflict is cooperative or competitive. If the management is done in efficient manner then conflicts can be used to enhance the performance through innovative methods.

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