Organizational Comparison

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Organizational Comparison

Organizational Comparison


E-commerce is defined as the electronic support of online trading and the exchange of business documents. This includes the purchase and sale of goods and services on the Internet (Web site with directories and offers, electronic purchasing power), the transmission of orders and confirmations, and support for non-cash payments. Over traditional distribution channels is dominated by a rich range and availability of products 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During this, superiority is also supported by easy access to a wide selection of goods and unlimited possibilities comparisons before making a final decision. E-commerce activities have changed the way businesses compete in marketing environment. Traditional rivalries in business were based upon advertisements of different offers all across the market where firms used to compete. However, in the recent times things have changed considerably. Many of the firms try to attract consumers by different offers online. Initially consumers use to travel to buy a product now they just have to order a product or service online to avail its advantages. Pace of processes in involved have enhanced up and delivery system of goods to end consumers has become more efficient. The most recent trends that have been observed in e-commerce include:

The community as a channel of communication and sales

It seems that the social media know about it. A significant increase in their popularity is not so much a challenge as a great opportunity for online merchants. On the one hand, they form a kind of forum for the exchange of information, recommendations, opinions, but also give a chance to conduct trade through them. This means that social media should be included in the policy of customer service and building relationships with the community of consumers carrying shopping on-line. Integration of on-line store with Facebook allows on the one hand running comfortably Channel, on the other combines with the existing community store buyers.

All in one, the full integration

With the increasing sales growth, online stores are no longer merely act as a kind of curiosity, or additive, but are essential for the functioning of a strong sales channel. E-commerce platform actually play the role of specific hubs cooperating with a number of different systems, such as auction platforms, comparison, arcades, and e-payment. It is increasingly necessary to open e-commerce platform to exchange data with applications to the warehouse, sales, logistics, accounting and ERP solutions and CRM.

Business on two legs

Increasingly, traditional retailers will develop a business network. E-commerce allows you to expand into other geographical markets without having to invest heavily in conventional stationary shops. Similarly, successful companies in the network can develop traditional trade to ensure the possibility of checking, testing of the product. Products sold on the Internet often complement traditional trade gaps. It gives access to a unique opportunity to offer that cannot be found in regular stores customer-oriented media.

Mobile sales on the rise

According to analyst firm Gartner has increased the number of smart phones in the second quarter of 2010 by 50% ...
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