Organizational Change Management

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Case Study: Silkeborg Council Denmark


What is Appreciative Inquiry (AI)?2

What is the 5-D Framework of A.I.?2

A.I. 5-D Framework: Silkeborg Council3



Sense of Urgency4


Forming a Powerful Guiding Coalition5

Creating a Vision5

Communicating the Vision6


Empowering others to Act on the Vision6

Planning for and Creating Short-term Wins7


Consolidating Improvements and Producing Still More Change8

Institutionalizing New approaches8



Case Study: Silkeborg Council


Absenteeism has been a problem in Silkeborg Council since several years for which the management is concerned to eradicate this problem for good. Over the past, the council had taken several initiatives to reduce this problem but remained unsuccessful. With the help of 5D cycle of 'Appreciative Inquiry', this problem will be addressed as we read.

What is Appreciative Inquiry (AI)?

Appreciative Inquiry is a measure for approaching change within an integrated system. It revolves around the organization's prime values, visions and best practises to ensure preferred reconciliation between the actual and the expected positions. In theory, AI is a set of beliefs and principles about how human systems function within an organization, a shift from the past metaphor of human systems as machines. A.I. has a set of core processes, practises and even models that have emerged in the modern studies to make sure human systems are recognized as a medium of change between the imagination and construction. Once these systems shift their perspective they can begin to invent their most desired future.” (Watkins, 2001, pp. 31).

What is the 5-D Framework of A.I.?

Appreciative Inquiry is based on the 5-D cycle. The 5-D cycle is a dynamic and iterative process which is comprised of Definition, Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny (Cooperrider et,al, 2008, p. n.d). Below is the assessment of Silkeborg Council on the basis of 5-D cycle as defined by Cooperider, Witney and Stavros' study (2008).

A.I. 5-D Framework: Silkeborg Council


According to the recent practises of not giving proper light onto the matter, Silkeborg should deal with the problem by the idea of transformational change. The need for this transformation, especially under the 'absenteeism' matter, would help the elderly come under the average number of employees with less absenteeism weightage. According to the Goodstien (1991), the strategic change can come under two broad categories which can be related with Silkeborg's situation. The first set of studies is about “content” which explains the consequences and antecedents of the organizational strategic change in a larger context. In this category, the idea is to utilize a large number of sample and to apply quantitative methods.

The second set of studies is related to “process”, which is also endorsed and seconded by Webb and Dawson (1991), explains the role of managers in the strategic change process utilizing in-depth case study analysis spanning numerous years (Webb & Dawson, 1991, pp. 191). Fombrun (1993) suggests that through rational eye, one can see the organizational change as a sequential search. For optimal solutions, organizations must carry out a well-defined and planned search based on prior defined organizational objectives. Change is measured through discrete changes in organizational strategies (Fombrun, 1993, ...
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