Organizational Change Management

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Organizational Change Management

Organizational Change Management


In the present times, organizations are going through a transition process that required a shift from manual systems to the digital ones due to the fast paced technology that was being introduced. Organizations all over started to opt for the electronic and digital systems that are helping them to work in a better manner in terms of productivity and this has enabled them to work in a professional manner in terms of human resource.


The assignment also discusses a health care facility by the name of Happy Trails Health Centre where the upper management which includes the departments, administrators and physicians have decided that the culture of the organization be transformed to a patient-centered environment that is driven by the highest level of quality. The plan is to have information stored digitally on optical disks by scanning paper documents. The health record was to be stored in a completely digital fashion by storing it electronically on a database that would be acquiring data from all over the healthcare facility and could be acquired at any time without having to look and search for files, saving both work and time. The plan also included the health information services to be managed by the central data repository. The assignment discusses the case of Ms. Sippy Delta who has been newly promoted as a manager of health information services at the healthcare facility. Delta is responsible now for the changes that are taking place in the organization to be communicated to the staff members and how the job description of their allotted tasks would be altered after the new system is implemented.

One of the major issues that Ms. Delta needs to address is the successful implementation of the major organizational change that is going to be applied. One of the biggest hurdles that Ms. Delta faces is the 'people' working for the organization who cannot digest the change and hence, do not accept it in the first place. When such a major change in organizational change is about to take place, Ms. Delta can opt for the four Rs that can help her in communicating the change effectively to the workers and employees.

The first R of the process is Reason. The workers at the healthcare facility would question the reason for such a grand scale organizational change. Ms. Delta needs to address the queries by explaining the benefits that the switch in the system would be offering to both the organization and the workers (Markoczy, 2001). For example, the switch to the electronic database for storing information would allow the clinicians and technicians to access information about the patients with extreme ease at all times. Such a strategy would allow workers to see the bright side of the organizational change.

The next step that Ms. Delta can opt for is to give the workers a vivid picture of the long term results that would be generated after the implementation of the changes being ...
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