Organizational Change

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Compare approaches to organizational change in two organizations


In today's Competitive business world if an organization plans to successfully survive it has to admit the fact that change is a factor which has to be implemented throughout the life span of a firm. The two different companies and their organizational problems are discussed in this paper with the solution that is provided to them by the term organizational change management. Coping up with the scenario and successfully implementing the change without disrupting the culture of the organization is the focal point of the paper. Whenever change takes place it needs to be implemented in the company to make sense to the company in order to make greater profits or to deal with the problems a company may face. There are so many places where we can find the fact that there is no formula for change to be implemented in an organization, the change implementation is dependent over the situation in which the company is in at that point in time. This paper compares the cases of organizational changes that occurred in two different companies PepsiCo and Coca Cola Company. On different scenarios and situations, how they incorporated the change, the problems that they were facing. A brief discussion on comparison of the two companies' approaches is also in the latter half of the paper.

Compare approaches to Organizational change in Two Organizations

Introduction: Organizational Change Management

Motivation that may come from the ambitions an organization has or the pain that it is going through because of the internal or external factors, in the need for the organizations to change. Different organizations at different point in time need to have different changes, for the organization to keep up with the environment and to keep the competitive edge. The change of direction by the company is mainly because of the three reasons, firstly, the reason could be the want of management to spend less money the it is spending; secondly, to make more money out of the present resources or thirdly, it may be the combination of both. Bringing the change is not easy. People never do things, the way they do, if they know by doing like that they are doing a bad job. The way currently employees work within the company is because of the proved practices of the historical seniors, in the retaliation to the changes that occur in the past and not to forget due to the technological advancements. It would sound more of entering into a completely new and dangerous environment leaving behind the already set and proved environment, and this idea sounds a bit strange too.

Organizational change management is the concept which is dedicated to management of the ideas and procedures in orderly and effective way. Nobody has ever known this change management process to be an easy procedure to implement. Though with the time it is a proven fact to all that staying with the time is the need of today's competitive world but then again ...
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