Organizational Change

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Manage organizational change

Manage organizational change

Stage 1:

Introduce/Problem Statement:

“To manage and enhance the organisational productivity and profitability of XYZ store.”

XYZ store is a leading retail store located in down town of Australia, which was established in 2008. This retail store is in residential area and it is serving the entire daily food item and other household needs of the consumers.

There are various problems that are faced by the XYZ Store those are listed below:

Problems in managing records of wholesalers and Manufacturers

This is the major problem that is faced by the XYZ store in the past few years. It has become difficult to manage the long lists of manufacturers and wholesalers.

Stockroom space problem

The stockroom is getting small for the amount of goods placed in it. This is causing damage to the stocks.

There is a big need for change as there are certain issues that can only be resolved by brining change in the organisational system.

The major change that can come is on introducing automated system by which the records of wholesalers and manufacturers will be kept update as well as it will help in getting the clear picture of the stock required and available in the stockroom. The above stated problems can only be effectively addressed through automated software system.

Goals and objectives:

Main goals of XYZ store are as follows:

Maximise the profitability of the store by 30% each year

Generate strong consumer base by capturing the market share

Timely availability of goods in the store

Minimise the stock holding cost

Summary of the research:

The research will help in assisting the major problems faced by the XYZ store.

Introduction of automated software system

This will enhance the productivity of the XYZ store and will help in managing the business activities effectively.

Expansion of stockroom

As the store is holding ample variety of the goods or products, it requires adequate space to place the minimum stock on hand. This will help in reduction of damages caused by lack of space.

Introduction of incentives for workers

This will enhance the motivation level and will amplify their support in organisational system. The workers will help in creating positive environment and this will enhance the connectivity of the workers with the Store's goals (Phillips, 1983, pp.189).

SWOT Analysis of XYZ Store:


Store's reputation

Products variety

Motivated employees


Lack of marketing activates

Limited storeroom availability

Lack of record management of manufacturers and wholesalers


Potential in Australian market

Automated system


Seasonal demands of products

Low level of Supplier loyalty

Competitor rivalry

The ...
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