Organizational Case Study

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Organizational Case Study


Starting a non-profit organization can be as challenging as starting a for-profit business. McNamara. Posited a few considerations for starting a non-profit organization, Studies on social networks highlight the importance of network structure or structural properties of a given network and its impact on performance outcome. The empirical validation of the association between network structures and performance has been well documented in a number of recent studies. One of the important properties of this network structure is referred as “social capital” which is the “network of contacts” and the associated values attached to these networks of contacts.


What is the purpose (mission) for your new organization? It is important to determine the benefits and services you will provide to clients.

Like any business, non-profit or for-profit, the rudimentary process of starting a company is pretty simple. However, the ability to create a profitable organization is a huge undertaking. The dirty little secret is that although non-profit organizations are not profit-driven, the more effective non-profit organizations, such as United Way and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, operate essentially like any other company. Whether it is products, services, or programs, money is needed to ensure long-term viability.

Although the institution may exist long after the founder has died or moved on, non-profits' existence rely on the ability to create relevant programs marketed effectively to generate revenue. Charismatic leaders build profitable non-profit organizations by:1. Developing programs that address human needs. Non-profit organizations that have the greatest capital and resources have done some degree of market analysis. Charismatic leaders are data and research driven. 2. Hosting large events to honor local and national luminaries. Charismatic leaders are adept at expanding their branded personalities with other individuals who are acclaimed. By bestowing a leadership award to someone such as former President Bill Clinton, not only does Clinton become a supporter of the non-profit organization, the event is almost guaranteed to be sold out in ticket sales. This co-branding of charismatic leaders with other leaders provides non-profit organizations a greater presence, which garners greater membership and opportunities to develop and sell new products. 3. Recruiting board of directors with powerful political or business contacts. Although charismatic leaders may be reluctant to abdicate the decision making power of the organization to a board of directors, he knows that the viability of the organization rests with his ability to attract influential corporate leaders who can donate money and resources to the organization. These tax deductible contributions help organizational revenue as well as create a “feeder system” for future luminaries to be honored. Many boards of directors are aware of its function as a fundraising arm to the organization. It is essential to recruit board members who not only believe in the mission, but can financially and politically further its purpose.

For non-profit organizations to be profitable, the business and marketing of the non-profit organization must precede its programming. Non-profit organizations have to do well and well simultaneously that is, doing the greatest amount of good while ...
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