Organizational Behaviour And Managing People

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Organizational Behaviour and Managing People

Table of Content


Discussion and Analysis4

Organizational Concept5

Principles of the Organization6

Principle of unity6

Cause of the organization6

Top management of the section6

Approaches: Skills and Transformational6

Skills and the Transformational approaches to Leadership7

A Multidimensional Approach to Skills and Transformational Change Leadership7

Analysis: Perspectives of Organizational Behaviour8

?Technical Perspective8

?Human Perspective8

?Cultural Perspective8

?Policy Perspective9

?Physical and Organizational Perspective9

?Overview of Control9

Stress in Organizations10

Motivational Factors10

Motivation and Job Satisfaction11

a)Theories of content11

b)Process Theories11

Individual Characteristics "Aggravating"11

Working conditions: Work-related stress11

The Effects on the Organization12

Motivation in the Workplace Is All Related To Energy13

Motivational Patterns14

Reactions to Change14

Maslow and Herzberg14

Organizational Behaviour16


Ethical Practices17

Upbringing of Team work17

The Manager and Ethical Business18


Professional Duties18

Role of Ethics19

The Tools of Ethics19

Communicates Often, Openly and Early20

Provides Clear Direction20

Models the Way for the Team20

Creates Opportunities for Small Wins21

Conditions to Have a Team of Work21

Leadership and Management21

Motivation and Job Satisfaction23

1.Theories of content:23

2.Process Theories:23



Preventing Unethical Practices in Organizations25



Organizational Behaviour and Managing People


The purpose of this study is to compare the two different approaches that are related to the leadership and also to know about the strengths and limitations associated with the leadership approaches. Due to the implementation or the presence of the leadership approaches, an organization can enhance its productivity as if the leader is efficient and effective in his job or in the implementation of his approaches than the employees and his subordinates will get motivated and hence the productivity of an organization will increase. Furthermore, this study focuses on the skills and the transformational approaches that are associated with the leadership and the good managerial practice in the organizations. There have been various studies or theorists who focused on these approaches of leadership and there studies are discussed in the following part of this study. The approaches that are skills and the transformational are vital for the leader and his followers as these approaches provides a proper path for making an organization or the group of people to grow in more efficient and effective manner and this all process is done to get the main objective of the organization that includes the vision and mission of an organization. For an organization it is important that the leader should be at his peak because if the leader of an organization is not effective than the performance of his followers will also decline so we can say that there may de direct relationship between the leader's efficiency and effectiveness of his followers. So, the leader should focus on all of his approaches but most importantly on the skills and the transformation (Yang, 2008, 567-587).

Discussion and Analysis

Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in the heart of the organization. It is a discipline in which one seeks to better discern the actions and behavior of individuals and groups, interpersonal interactions and the mechanics of the organization.

The variable "culture" has proven to be the framework within which to understand the other aspects, generating therefore a very high interdependence. The problem we face as a dependent of the theoretical development is that knowledge comes primarily and almost entirely, of cultures very different from ours, ...
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