Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour



Organizational Structure3

Matrix Structure3

Organizational Culture4

Organizational Culture and Structure, and impact on Performance5

Individual Behaviour at work6






Approaches to management and leadership7

Organization theory supports management practice8

Management approaches8

Classical Perspective of Management9

Behavioural perspective of Management10

Maslow's human need10

McGregor's theories11

Effective teamwork development11





This report is about understanding organizational behaviour by evaluating different organizational structure and culture, and its impact on performance. Furthermore, different approaches will be evaluated in term of management approaches and individual behaviour in an organization. I will differentiate between classical perspective and behavioural perspective of management and steps to develop effective teamwork.


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Organizational Structure

Organizational structure helps the organization to help its progress to achieve goals and objectives. Different organizations use different structures to carry out task by matching their needs to operate. There are three main types of organizational structure.

Matrix Structure

Matrix structure is the third main type of organizational structure, which is a hybrid of divisional structure and functional structure. In functional structure, organization groups their portion according to their shared purposes. Divisional structure is generally used in a large organization where organization covers large demographic area or different business units working under one umbrella and produces different products. Hybrid structure is mainly use in large multinational companies, where they get the benefit of using components of both structures.

Unilever UK is a perfect example for adopting Matrix structure as it has numerous products under the umbrella of Unilever. Unilever uses this organizational structure to communicate effectively and takes advantage from their available resources. The company's structure is ordered in top-down manner.

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture can be defined as the set of beliefs, values and norms which identify the organization's way to carry out its business. Hofstede (1980) proposed four criteria to describe national cultures.

Individualism versus collectivism: It is the relation between and individual with fellow employees.

Large or small power distance: It deals with the distribution of equal or unequal power or authority in an organization.

Strong or weak uncertainty avoidance: It involves how the employee deals with uncertainty and how they avoid uncertainties in an organization.

Masculinity versus femininity: It involves the division of roles among different sexes in an organization.

Organizational Culture and Structure, and impact on Performance

Organization makes sure that organization's culture fits and has a positive impact on organizational structure. Culture-structure approach of an organization holds a two-way causal relationship among structure and culture.

Figure 1: Source: Davis (1984)

Unilever UK maintains a relationship between culture and structure of an organization. Organization has to maintain both structure and culture effectively to get the best performance. Hao et al. (2012) identifies that organizational structure has an impact on ...
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