Organizational Behaviour

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour


The paper aims to emphasize on the issues in the context of organizational behaviour and issues which are helpful to overcome them. Organizational learning enables organizations to better adapt to their industry and to obtain the information needed to predict the changes that will occur. Organizational learning has emerged to overcome the cumbersome and structures too hierarchical organizations. The foundation of the high performance organization is its capital intellectual (Kolb & Frohman, 2000, pp. 51-66). This means that human beings are an indispensable resource for achieve the purpose, mission and strategies of any organization. The Human Resource Management is designed to maximize versatility, skills, knowledge and motivation of their members. In addition, high performing organizations reduce levels and changing the way managers' act: they are much less outsourcers as coaches.

The global economy requires that the field study of behaviour organizational continues to expand with a view to better manage cultural diversity. Due to the increasing multiculturalism of local labour, all workers must learn to work together in a context of cultural diversity. Companies and their managers without borders must adapt to a new work environment. In short, all players must be aware of the importance of diversity and ethics culture. We can say that values and cultures differ greatly from one culture to another. Thus, the perception people have of success, wealth, material gains of risk or innovation may affect the approach to work and their relationships with organization (Jackson & Carter, 2000).


The late twentieth century was that of a radical change in the way we work: downsizing, restructuring, changing economy, the advent the Internet, etc. The consequence of this change is to survive in an environment evolving at a rapid pace; organizations must constantly change precisely, renew their procedures and continually improve all aspects of the production. Thus, many organizations are involved in the re-engineering process business process that to rethink and restructure their business processes to improve their results. They must turn back to the old ways of doing things find better answers to the new performance requirements. In this context, a growing number of organizations are turning to e-commerce, where transactions be made by Internet, which allows suppliers, customers, and even competitors, all interconnected, share skills, costs and access to global market (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2003).

In many Western countries, the workforce is becoming more diverse day by day. The number of women and people from minority are steadily increasing. This is lined with two contradictory trends in namely the emergence of gold collar Generation X, who have a strong pressure Search jobs more challenging, offering more flexible work schedules and greater autonomy, and the handicap of poor training at a school Many high school graduates who are thrown on the labour market and therefore contrasts with the vantage of gold collar. More specifically, gold collar, that is to say whether the producers whose activities generate new knowledge, are the most demanding and workers in sectors where demand is accompanied a shortage of ...
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