Organizational Behavior Analysis

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Organizational Behavior Analysis

Organizational Behavior Analysis


The systematic and scientific analysis of individual and collective behavior in different contexts organized is one of the issues of greatest importance and relevance in the field of organizational disciplines. Studies of organizational behavior use and apply theoretical perspectives and multidisciplinary research, matrix psychological, sociological and economic. The common goal is to study the actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organizations, to understand and predict the determinants of individual performance, group and organization, and to explain how they work, identifying possible areas for improvement. Even from a managerial point of view the analysis of relationships between individuals and their work environment is a topic of great significance and relevance, as people are a major source of competitive advantage and are regarded as increasingly, a strategic success factor for the organization. This new edition provides an update of the empirical research, examples, and case studies, focusing on Italian and European materials. In particular, have been completely reset the chapters on motivation, groups, decisions and change.


The Organizational Behavior, in short OB, is the explanation of the purpose and understand how people, as individuals, in groups, organizational units, and in all organizations because of their perception, thought and feeling deal with behavior and the consequences of their actions. It is often the approach of systems theory, in particular the theory of social systems and applied primarily oriented to the effective rules of interaction between the individual, the group, the whole system and its socio-economic environment. In the Anglo-American world belongs to Organizational Behaviour foundation of all social and economic science courses at the academic level.

In organization theory, there are a variety of different approaches, one organization from each describe a particular point of view. All approaches have in common that they strongly organizations as complex, dynamic structure with a view socioeconomic mixed character. The organization theory would explain the purpose of the creation and functioning of organizations and organization understands the specific arrangement of interfaces between the responsibilities of labor along value-added processes.

In contrast, it is the Department of Organizational Behavior at the conscious manipulation of forms of design and assurance of social rules, processes, functions and structures to influence human behavior in organizations. Here are also different contexts (e.g., expectations, behavior or sense) to their behavior-controlling effects seen down.

Understanding of Organization

There are several fundamental conceptions of what is meant by the organization. Organization refers to as a reality outside of an observer, then covers a description of real structures and interactions and analyzes them. An organization will be recognized accordingly to the effective things.

Organization refers to as a mental model of an observer, then recorded a description of the cognitive models of the environment and their own patterns of behavior of the parties. One organization is therefore constructed by observers by making distinctions and names of things distinguished by.

Organization refers to as a discourse of the parties, then recorded a description of the promised clear understanding of reality of the ...
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