Organizational Behavior

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The Social Process of Joining an Organization

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[Date of Submission]Abstract

The focus of this essay is on the social process of joining an organization. The essay will present argument and analysis of the relevant concepts and will include reading and research material in order to build understanding of the topic. Brief discussion and analysis of the topic will be shared in this essay.

The Social Process of Joining an Organization


The essay is concerned with the discipline of OB (organizational Behavior). OB is the study of managing and identifying actions of groups and individuals, analyzing specifically how to motivate people to join in and remain with the organization, how to make people work effectively in teams, how people can do their work efficiently, how to induce creativity and innovative behavior among employees. The classical views, which were early approaches to OB, focused towards better management and coordination of tasks, standardization and specialization of tasks, inflexible command chain, and centralized decision making at managerial level. After 1920s, new schools of thought emerged which was called Human Relation Movement. The renowned Hawthorne study conducted at Western Electric Plant was the beginning of this new thinking. The Hawthorne studies illustrated how social and psychological processes could influence behavior at work (Rainey 2009, pp. 303). This approach was people oriented in comparison to past approaches. This approach focused towards identifying and fulfilling employee needs (Johns 1996, pp. 11).


One of the critical social problems of today is the growing need in individuals to be able to participate in organizations, communities and governments. Today's working environment is complex and quite different from organization to organization. There is a difference in size, specialization, structure which makes it difficult to understand the organization. These differences leave potential employees clue less of what to expect to regard their work and job (Rubin et. al 1969, pp. 02).

Individuals feel powerless and confused when one attempts to join an organization or a community. Try to recall your last job interview, and remember how you dressed, trying to impress the interviewer. Trying to guess what kind of qualities and skills the recruiter is trying to find out in you. How you tried to communicate your needs to your potential employers and evaluating if your organization be able to fulfill your needs. Different studies conducted on recruitment and orientation of new employees show that when individuals newly join in an organization they feel helpless and uncertain (Rubin et. al 1969, pp. 14).

From an organizational point of view, this dependency is required so that the firm can start a socialization process for the new members to help them fit in with the values and norms of organization. There are instances when organizations over do the socialization of new individuals. The new entry step where individuals newly join the firm is an essential step for the new appointees. If individuals are over controlled through organizational constraints, end up becoming passive members while, those who are given challenging jobs and bigger responsibilities will tend towards ...
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