Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior in Qatar Petroleum

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Organizational Behavior in Qatar Petroleum


Qatar is an independent country which shares its borders with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Doha is the capital of Qatar, which was ruled by Bahrain in 1700's and in the year 1971, Qatar got independence and appeared on the world map as an independent country. The reason of independence was peace in Gulf. The official language of Qatar is Arabic, but English is spoken widely (Tsui, Nifadkar, & Ou, 2007). The economy of Qatar is strong and is growing, and the growth can be traced in these many years. Qatar is considered as the most dynamic country in the region, and its economy is considered as the fastest growing economy in the world. Qatar is also known as an active member of United Nations, and it provides great employment opportunities to the people of Qatar.

The structure of Qatar companies is hierarchal and formal where the top management holds the authority. Everything in organizations is done according to the structure which goes from top to bottom having different branches where the different level of management exists. The decisions of the company are primarily taken by the top management, and all the other members of the company have to follow the decisions and orders. The top management prefers involving other members while taking the decisions by consulting them. Status, title and recognition are considered as very important in Qatar, and in companies people prefer showing off their status and title.

Trust is considered as an important factor in Qatari organizations, and it is important for all the members of the company to gain and develop trust with each other. Even if the companies are operating internationally, or other international companies are provided with an opportunity to be a part of Qatar, gaining and developing trust is necessary. The stay calm and keep their voices low while communicating, and consider this important in forming business relationships. They respect their relations and also value them, and Qatari organizations try and focus on building long term relations with foreign countries and business partners.

In Qatar business practices are quite different from other countries, and they also believe in valuing their culture and tradition (Tsui, Nifadkar, & Ou, 2007). In Qatar, discrimination between men and women exists, and if any foreign country dealing with Qatar organizations is bringing women along with them in meetings, they prefer being informed before the meeting (Griffin, & Moorehead, 2011). They discriminate between men and women, and do not prefer women being a part of their business. As Qatari women are not allowed to enter the business world, and are not provided with an opportunity to take part in business activities. The foreign countries and companies dealing with Qatar have to take care of this point that women are not considered as a part of business world. Qatari organizations are formal, and their etiquette and practices followed. They even prefer formal dressing as all the business practices is ...
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