Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior


In an organization, people from different backgrounds work mutually to achieve a common goal and purpose. Organizational behavior (OB) is a vast field that describes the activities and approaches of people working in an organization. The study of OB includes comprehensive knowledge resulting from these activities and approaches. It can support managerial bodies to comprehend the issues arising in the organization, recognize complications, discover the best manners to resolve them, and determine whether the changeovers would make a considerable difference in the performance of the organization (Stockdale, 2004).

Field of OB involves the connections amongst human performance within organizational settings, the worker-manager dealings, and the work setting within the company. Every human being carries to an association a distinctive set of individual traits, knowledge from other employers, and former experiences. Consequently, OB must consider the exceptional perception that every employee brings to the organizational setting.

Being in the position of Organizational Consultant, I have been assigned with the major task by the key manager of famous organization to conduct an analysis and recommend solutions to solve an organizational problem existing in the Starbucks relating to the diverse workforce and how best to manage them.


Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior (OB) is the field that considers individual performance in the organization, how people work together within the company, and the company itself. Far-reaching transition intimidates to make yesterday's executive outmoded. But an alertness of that transition and how to get the most out of it give tomorrow's executive myriad opportunities. Though the character of management function differs from business to business and carries on to develop, one general thread infuses almost all organizational action: working together with others. Certainly, the “usual” day for most leaders is completely dedicated to work together with other people. Therefore, the organizational procedure and performance of people are irrefutably entangled.

Diversity Problem in Starbucks

In the modern organizations, problems relating to multicultural diversity and assenting action carries great attention and meaning. Starbucks represent the contemporary company in which this issue is arising and creating problems in the smooth functioning of the organization. Marqusee (2006) asserts that in the coming times, Starbucks will start new operational functions in Brazil and India. Though, the firm has made a promise to establish activities that are socially accountable. Marqusee accounts that the real picture that has been formed is away from the speechifying promoted by Starbucks. At a moment when culture multiplicity is turning out to be a channel for worldwide extension, organization holds a representation of Americanism that frequently compels the "McDonaldization" of the beverage market in the nation in which it functions. For itself, Starbucks has not been prominent for defending or taking up cultural multiplicity in its business.

Reaction to the Concerns

The pressing need for firms to hold culturally diverse workforce has encouraged Starbucks to make use of ethical values as a fundamental principle for creating multicultural responsiveness. Starbucks has implemented a plan of moral and social accountability that offer as the groundwork for functions in the business (Starbucks, ...
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