Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior


This paper discusses the basic concepts of Organizational behavior. For this purpose four case studies are analyzed and their respective questions are answered in the following paper. These cases cover various areas of organizational behavior. It provides a deep insight to the practical aspects that occur within the firm. Further, it examines the organizational issues and corrective actions to be taken in order to resolve the problem without causing much hassle in the company.


Case Study 1

1.1 Compare and contrast different organisational structures and cultures.

Do you think Jill Thompson's proposal to decentralise the rules and procedures of Bosco Plastics will work? If so, why and how? Give reasons. What, in your opinion, are the requirements to make decentralisation effective?

In any organization, there is a question of distribution of powers, which is the most important issue when choosing the design of the organization. In this case, there are two approaches: centralization and decentralization (Rust, 2006). Centralization is the concentration of decision-making rights at the highest management level. Span of control is the number of people reporting directly to one leader. Decentralisation is the transfer of rights or delegation of decision-making to lower levels of management.

It should be borne in mind that all the powers cannot be centralized or decentralized. Full centralization prevents that people have limited resources of time, knowledge, experience, and can simultaneously solve a certain number of problems, absorb a limited amount of information, full decentralization is not possible because of what organization lose control and fall into a state of chaos.

This inevitably leads to the fact that the centralization in one respect requires both the reverse process in another. Thus, the excessive concentration of solutions of certain problems with the upper management structure will determine what most of them are bound to be taken at its lower levels, which does not add to their quality, but will reduce bureaucracy and increase efficiency of management.

Centralization and decentralization of management can develop a breadth and depth. In the first case, it is to increase the number of problems under control this subject in the second - their more thorough and detailed elaboration, which otherwise could be implemented at lower levels of the management hierarchy (Rust, E. 2006).

The degree of centralization or decentralization of the organization and its divisions is measured using the following variables: - The number of decisions taken at each level of government; - The importance of the decisions for the organization; - The degree of control over the execution of the decision.

The advantages of centralization: - To provide high coherence units of the organization; - Better control of the units; - Reduces the number of errors in decision making; - Concentration of decision-making in the hands of those who best know the overall situation has a greater range of vision, knowledge, and experience; - To eliminate unnecessary duplication of administrative functions, resulting in savings of the costs; - To strengthen the strategic focus of the management process, and by ...
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