Organizational Behavior

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Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Culture

Relationship Between Organizational Structure and Culture


Organizational structure determines the division of work between workers and informal channels of coordination and chain of command. Organizational structure governs relations within the institution and identifies responsibilities. Organizational structures and design patterns are actually the organization of a company to meet the proposed goals and achieve the desired objective. The structure of the organization has a strong impact on the culture of the organization (Kotter, 2008, pp.10). Culture of a company has a huge impact on the operations of the company. This is the reason, the leader of the company is very important and should make sure that the company is being influenced in a negative manner and is not losing its sales.

Organizational Structure and Culture

Organizational culture, management culture, corporate culture, business culture are expressions used to describe a particular concept of culture (which is understood as the set of experiences, habits, customs, beliefs, and values??, characterizes a group of people) applied to a restricted area of organization, institution, government, corporation, company, or business (Miles & Snow, 2003, pp. 78). Organizational culture has several effects on the behavior of its members, firstly, in the process of attraction and selection, thus perpetuating the existing culture even more. It also have effects on the processes of retention and voluntary turnover, so as to be a greater correspondence between the values ??of workers and the organizational culture, the greater the worker's commitment to the organization, and the lower the rate of rotation or voluntary abandonment (Miles & Snow, 2003, pp. 78).

Attitudes allow a person to settle in a work condition it may show his ego, values and interpret events. Employee's mood and attitude have a great effect on job satisfaction, according to research; moods and emotions either positive or negative both are related to job satisfaction (Denison & Mishra, 2005, pp. 204). Conscious/unconscious exertions by employee to increase or decrease profitability and productivity of business, destructive or constructive mind, harmful or peaceful, these all are the attitudes of employees that directly up or down the satisfaction of a job (Ivancevich et al, 2007, pp. 70).

The structure of an organization has a lot of impact on the organization's culture. Hierarchy of the organization refers to the level of reporting relationship that is there in the company. The organizational structure is an amalgamation of the organization's purpose and goals, its people and tasks, the technology used by the organization, the organizational culture and the external environment (Kotter, 2008, pp.10). A company can choose out of different organizational structures that suits it best under the given scenario. Following are some types of organizational structures which are mostly used in different organizations. The most common structure is bureaucratic Structure where big organizations, systems and procedures are all consistent and this type of structure is appropriate for huge enterprises that involve heavy and difficult operations and also require smooth administration (Denison & Spreitzer, 2001, pp. 21).

Network structure is also used in organizations where ...
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