Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

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Organizational Behavior

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working as a Part of a Team

Every individual in an organization has different preferences when it comes to working independently or working with a group or team. However, both the options of performing a task all by one self or performing them in coordination with a team have their pros and cons.

Advantages of Working in a Team

There are a number of advantages that offered when one works with a team or group in an organization. These include

Work Division

While working in a group, all the group members are assigned only a portion of the total amount of work that needs to be done. Therefore, the work load is not concentrated for a single individual. This perhaps is the chief reason why majority of individuals prefer working in a team or a group as compared to working independently (Belbin, 2010, pp. 35).

Field of Expertise

The task assigned to the group members while working in a group are basically assigned while taking into account the strength or weakness of an individual. Therefore, every individual is most likely to be an expert in the task he is given. As a result high performance of the overall group is ensured.

Crisis Situations

No matter how much planning is involved, sudden and unexpected crisis and mishaps can occur at any time. However, while working in a group, the involvement and support of a number of individuals, the crisis can be handled more effectively.

Mutual Support and Moral Boosting

The relatively less skilled or less capable group members of a group will have a slight impact on the overall group performance. This is will be due to the more capable individuals compensating for the weak links in the group. The support also helps in the motivation of the relatively less efficient group members. The group or team leader of a group with his dynamic leadership qualities can also achieve both these aims in order to ensure a decent overall group performance.

Disadvantages of Working in a Team

The benefits of working in a team in most overshadow the disadvantages. However, the approach has certain downsides nevertheless. These include,

Conflicts and Differences

Working in a team basically refers to the co-existence of individuals of very different background and personalities working together for the sake of achieving certain outcomes. Therefore, the occurrence of any argument and conflicts between the group members on the basis of difference of opinion regarding any strategy or policy is impossible and inevitable. Moreover, the jealousy and insecurity of certain group members from other group members is also hard to avoid. These factors cannot just affect the relationship between group members but it also majorly affects the overall performance and efficiency of a group (Belbin, 2003, pp. 53).

Inefficient Group Leader

Talent, capability, potential, dedication and honest of all the group members or team mates is of no use unless and until there is a leadership that can channel this talent in effective ways and right ...
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