Organizational Audit

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Organizational Audit

Organizational Audit


The organizational audit is basically the basis for the implementation of all consulting projects. It chiefly allowed the management to review the existing organization procedures and methods of implementing the functions / processes (e.g. production, sales, marketing, people management, etc.). The audit organization is associated mostly with organizational audit, audit personnel, audit management style, organizational culture audit.

The purpose of organizational audit is to assess:

mission, goals and strategies

efficiency of the organization

existing management systems

effectiveness of actions

sharing of responsibility, decisiveness and tasks (verification of job descriptions and organizational regulations)

implementation of the company management functions

identify problems and opportunities for development and formulate plans to improve the organization of the company

Stages of organizational audit

To give the readers a better understanding of the topic, the author presented different stages of the organizational audit as well;

Analysis of the documentation (organization chart, regulations, procedures, job descriptions)

Analysis of work at different positions

Diagnosis of internal resources

SWOT analysis of organizations

Process mapping (optional)

Drafting of the report and recommendations

Specific objectives of the project development advisory [if the audit is part of the project] (Summers, 2009, pp. 178-85).


The purpose of writing this paper is to give the readers a better understanding of the concept of organizational audit. Being a management student, the author is of the view that the organizational audit is very much necessary to keep check on the follow of the organizational activities to remain competitive in the market. The organizational audit is basically linked with the internal audit because it is all about auditing a single firm not the whole industry in which the organization is operating. Therefore, in this paper, the author's all focus is on the describing the importance of audit from the organizational perspective and also highlighting the different important steps of the organizational audit.

Objective, Nature and code of ethics

The main purpose of the internal audit is to support members and associate of the business in moving out their activities. The organizational audit provides analyzes, evaluations, recommendations, advice and information about the actions reviewed. It is the aim of organizational audit to promote the effectual control at rational cost.

The nature lies with the advent of commercial activity, where a product or merchant to the reality of not being able to cover or cover a whole range of personal involvement on their production processes or business is the need to hire or to come of people trained and confidence to act on behalf or on behalf of that. In this process, the producer thought mechanisms to supervise, monitor and control their employees are the first internal audit actions performed by the owner of the company and can be considered as basic and elemental as its management concept.

Independent exercise of internal audit

Internal auditors normally had the right to carry out the activities in a way that they could be independent, only then the main essence of the organizational audit can be achieved. Organizational auditors can achieve their autonomy when moving out their work liberally and impartially. Independence permits the organizational auditors to render neutral judgments, ...
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