Organizational Assessment

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Organizational Assessment

Organizational Assessment

Summary of the Assessment

In context to the assessment that was undertaken for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of McLaren North Michigan Health Care, there have been major strengths and weaknesses that have been highlighted regarding the main functions of the organizations. Major heads such as strategic planning, finance, operations, human resource management (HRM) and leadership has been covered in this assessment, which have been a part and parcel of this healthcare institution.

The basic objective of undertaking this assessment was to identify the contribution that each head has made for bringing the reputation of the McLaren North Michigan Health Care to what it is today and that how much effort needs to be invested in the area of managing the resources and utilizing them efficiently.

Loopholes and Weaknesses identified

Considering the weaknesses that have been highlighted at McLaren North Michigan Health Care highlight and identified major loopholes and weaknesses, which not only make way for problems to arise in the healthcare institution and its functioning, but also create a better understanding and comprehension of the what methods of precaution, strategy and steps need to be undertaken that make way for dissolution.

Leadership has been highlighted as the key issue through which all problem root and stem. That is visible in the area of Strategic Planning, where leaders are more prone to implementing strategies and tactics on account of likeability and the acceptance that all leaders have at that time.

Similarly, in the case of operations/human resource management, since the leaders are weak and feeble, they usually have a tough time dealing with strikes and shutdowns that are posted by employees, which is also a result of the lack of motivation and the drive to bring changes to the facility.

Furthermore, in the area of finance, it becomes rather difficult, with the leadership ...
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