Organizational Approaches

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Organizational Approaches

Organizational Approaches


According to the past studies it is observed and proved that the organizational behaviors in influenced by various factors. These factors depend on different theories, moreover, past researchers worked on different aspect of a single phenomenon. In addition, the organizational behavior was considered as to be influenced by the classical approach which was helpful for identifying and resolving the initial or the minor problems that were pertaining to the organization.

However, according to new studies where the environment of the organization and also the business environment have changed, have made a significant impact on the organizational behavior. The approaches that include human relations approach, systems approach and the contingency approaches are considered as the modern tactics which help the organizations in resolving the problems that are arising due to the changing environment of the modern day business.


Organizational strategy is a systemic concept, made up of essential parts which are independently distinguishable but which together forms a new and better strategy which ultimately affect the whole organization in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational productivity.

Hawthorne Effect is the context in which innovation, interest in the experiment or increased attention to this issue leads to a distorted, often too favorable outcome, Participants in the experiment are different, harder than usual, only because of the realization that they are involved in the experiment Discovered by a team led by Elton Mayo, during the so-called, Hawthorne experiments. (Hatch, 2006)

Hawthorne studies

The initial orientation of the Hawthorne studies on the theory of scientific management of the time. William Dixon and others have investigated the influence of objective factors (lighting, payment, breaks) on labor productivity, a suburb of Hawthorne. The strategic mindset of an organization depends up the learning and these leanings are based upon the past experiences of an organization. This means that an organization has to focus on its strategies which help the organization in meeting its objectives. The dimensions of most of the organizations include to become the most competitive, to become the most highly valued firm in the world, to have the big market share in terms of investment and sales and to be the most profitable organization in its competing industry. The company's management Western Eclectics (if there was a phone factory) was imbued with ideas Henry Fayol and Taylor about the possibilities of scientific management, so the scientists have provided fulfill access and created conditions for the study of the production process. In the first stage of the experiment, scientists discovered that the improvement of lighting conditions dramatically increases productivity, but also the degeneration of the lighting conditions also led to an improvement in productivity! At the second stage of the study, researchers found that over time the performance came back to the previous level, and began to play the role no longer factors of the physical environment, but social, that is, focus on group norms, for example, do more than can make the neighbor down the pipeline, ...
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