Organization Value Alignment

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Organization value alignment

Organization value alignment

When Starbucks first opened in 1971 their goal was to make the world better with coffee. Starbucks reflects this in their mission statement, “to inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” ("Mission Statement Starbucks Coffee Company", n.d.) Every day by Starbucks strives to live up to this statement through the principles of the company. Starbucks considers their employees as partners in the company. They also pride themselves in their ethics and diversity and insist the companies they do business with to share the same ethics principle. Starbucks takes pride as an asset to any neighborhood they build in. They recently implemented an environmental mission statement that says that Starbucks will make every effort “to buy, sell, and use environmentally friendly products.” ("Mission Statement Starbucks Coffee Company", n.d.) This fits right in with the environmental worries society has today (Cameron, 1999).

To ensure Starbucks leaders are carrying out their espoused values they have a Mission Review Committee. Partners have a right to have their opinions heard on company practices and if they are complying with the mission statement Partner View Surveys are conducted every 18-24 months from partners all around the world. Starbucks' continues to show that their espoused values support their enacted values. An example of this is their ethics, and this has gotten them voted the most ethical company three years in a row. To the Starbucks organization adhering to these values is very important to the moral of their employees and to the sales of the company. Dr. Joseph A. Michelli studies the practice of successful businesses and has said that Starbucks' principals have made them one of the successful companies in the world and if more businesses followed their example, businesses can be successful ...
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