Organization Theory

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Organization Theory

Organization Theory

Organization Theory


About the organization

The organization discussed in the paper is 'Google'. The company is an American multinational with specialization in the products and services related to the internet. The company has one of the few biggest in the market of IT, and has a well-reckoned brand image. The company focuses upon the paradigm that the growth of global village has rendered the world on the shore where there is huge demand for the services that are related to the internet.

The company targeted the growth of internet and was brought forth with the entrepreneur skills of two students enrolled in PhD at the University of Stanford, namely Larry page and Sergey Brin. Currently, the company connects the entire world through revolutionizing the culture of the web search, whereas, the core business of the company relates to the accessibility of information in the easiest possible manner. The logic behind the development of such a business was to address the escalating need of information all across the globe. Today Google is all about the web search, every 9 on 10 clicks for the web search go for Google. The company keeps introducing new applications and programs, whereas, highly depends upon the strategy of product development through market research. The revenues for the year 2012 were amounting 50.18 billion, whereas, the finances of the company are more likely to grow further. The core products and services comprise of search, cloud computing, software applications and online advertising. The company plans to go further and possesses a culture of innovation. More than 90% of the total revenue of the company is generated by the services of online advertising, that is, the edge of the company over strategic competition (Battelle, 2007, pp. 2-14).

Organization theory

The concepts in organization theory pertain to the idea that the whole premise for the development and operation of an organization in a successful manner does not merely comprise of setting up business equipment and hiring people from all over the world with relevant skills, rather, specific concepts are to be applied with the notions and theoretical backgrounds, and therefore, they lead the organization to success (Daft, 2010, pp. 56-120).

The growth stages model encompasses of the stages of the life of an organization. It is defined as “the stages through which an organization passes throughout the course of its life”. The model comprise of four stages, namely;





About the paper

The paper encompasses of the notion that the idea behind the course of life cycle of an organization throughout its survival. The paper assesses the stages, in relation with their application to Google. The paper assesses the birth of the technology giant, as well as, the growth scenario that led the company to the skies of success. The paper further explains the factors that could lead to decline, the strategies used by Google to combat with the decline, as well as, the sparing of the company from the stage of death or ...
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