Organization Report

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Organization Report

Organization Report


This report is based on the interview that was conducted in an organization. This report is a synthesize of the findings of that interview. The purpose of this report is to suggest ideas that can make the HR functions effective and add more value to the HR functions, for the organization. The organization that was selected for this purpose is 1st Special Operations Contracting Squadron, Hurlburt Field, FL. This organization has seventy-five employees and is based in Florida, USA.

The person interviewed for this purpose holds an important position of the Chief Services Contracts Flight. His primary role is to supervise 22 personnel and ensure that $ 199 million in contract are rewarded legally and on a timely basis. He is also responsible to perform the various management functions. He has been working at this position for the last six years, and has been employed in this organization for the last eleven years. The interviewee is responsible for six employees who work under him. The interviewee feels satisfy with his role in the organization.


Key Challenges faced by the Organization

Challenges are eminent for any organization, irrespective of its size. The ability of an organization to tackle a situation, and drive through tough times is what defines the survival of an organization. According to the interview conducted, this organization is a well established entity that is both; employee oriented and customer oriented, (Baird, 1988). It is a growing organization that focuses on good quality of work life and is innovative. However, the challenges that the organization faces are; the inability to hire vacant civilian positions, inability to convert military to civilian positions and inability to fire those individuals who are underperformers. These are the key challenges that the organization faces. These challenges require an organization to take careful steps and make decisions keeping various aspects in mind, (Bowen, 1986).

It is better to keep in mind the impact of the decision that the organization makes. In order to tackle these challenges the organization at the time has frozen the hiring throughout the Air Force due to sequestration, continues to request for the man power review for creating military positions to the civilians and continues training and counseling.

Due to the rapid transformation of the business landscape, many organizations are facing challenges that are observed by many, as challenges that will continue to evolve for many years to come. The HR Department needs to, in order to make sure that the organization survives, add value to their organization, (Lengnick, 1999). The aftermath of recession has left many businesses bankrupt, and has made many unemployed. Organizations now realize that in order to do better, there is a need for taking steps for retaining their workforce.

This could either be by focusing more on the need for training and engagement programs or by investigating in those areas that optimize expenditures, such as; schemes for candidate attractions or technology systems that are integrated. Whatever strategy organizations design, one thing is for sure that the ...
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