Organization Learning

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Organization Theory Essay

Table of Contents

Introduction to Assignment1

Summary of Article1

Themes, Issues, Arguments and Main Findings2

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Arguments in the Article2

Summary of the Paper's Contribution to the Subject Matter3

Comparison with Other Works Form Literature3

Other Outcomes of Our Literature Review4

Conclusive Remarks5


Organization Theory Essay

Introduction to Assignment

This assignment is based on an essay that evaluates an article in a critical manner, pertaining to the field of management. We will assess the findings or provisions of the article to see its efficacy related to the subject matter. In this context, we have chosen the article “How Do Public Organizations Learn? Bridging Cultural and Structural Perspectives- New Ideas for Improving Public Administration” researched sand written by Donald P. Moynihan and Noel Landuyt. The article was published in the year 2009, making it a successful literature for the said management theories and concepts.

In the preceding sections of the assignment, we will present a summary of the article, the central issues and thematic overview of the literary work, the main findings of this article, the theories or perspectives adopted to express the viewpoint, the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of reinforcing the arguments made, its contribution to the subject matter, the comparison of the article with relevant, similar materials and context, followed by other relevant discussion. We will also include managerial and organizational implications of the concepts and its potential issues in an organizational situation. The main focus of the article is determining the characteristics that stimulate, inspire and foster organizational learning in public organizations. For this purpose, the article uses Texas state employees as the sample to test which variables foster organizational learning more efficiently.

Summary of Article

In this section, we will present the main theme and contents of the article in a precise yet reasonable manner, specifying its highlights and issues to organizational contexts. This article bases on the following two concepts that direct the study and makes it effective at using important management theories to reinforce the literature review:

It investigates the questions “how do organizations learn?” this creates an additional and successive work by the authors since before this, the research works only aimed at assessing if public organizations learn or not (Moynihan, Landuyt, 2009, p. 1097-1105).

Secondly, the literary work presents an overview whether this organizational learning takes place because of a public organization's structure or culture?

Learning organizations represent certain characteristic features that show how these organizations bring about a change in their culture and actions, provided they given an opportunity where they can exercise a holistic learning exercise under the given circumstances. This learning either based on the cultural values and determinants of the organization, or the formal constituents of the organization. These are referred to as the “cultural” or “structural” approaches to organizational learning, within the context of this article. The study based on four distinct hypotheses that are the main testing subjects of the study and which are discussed all throughout the study:

H1: Adequacy of resources is positively related to organizational ...
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