Organization Behaviour

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Organization Behaviour

Organization Behaviour


"I realize that experience completely has changed me and my view of the world and practical life, my continent has changed." (A fresh-graduate's response on joining new organization).

The debate on either the study of management is necessary or it has nothing to do with practical life? In the end what counts more is experience? Or there is no point in studying management. It is a fact that we find ample data on the importance of studying management and business theories and courses (Luthans, 1977. Pp. 12-50). We can even find a collection of debates on the importance of management learning for any manager in order to become effective leader of the organization, but we can barely get any research on studying these management learning has nothing to do with practical work life. Study of business and management theories are completely different chalk than their real implications in work life (Babo, 2012 n.d). The manager of the organization needs nothing to do with the theories and practical implications he has been taught throughout his academic learning life. This debate possesses concrete points which give cousins to the point that studying management is pointless.


From various studies it has been seen that the study of 'Management' is building up of the special team which provides technical assistance to the objectives of company with the aim of increasing their competitiveness and profitability. But in actual this is only possible if the manager is capable enough in dealing with the clients and customers through his/her unique talent of convincing others. Through a personal contact with each client, one can diagnose the current situation and design solutions to the problems identified (Staw, 2006, n.d). While analyzing the critical situations in business functions, managers do not need to relate those issues with the theories and concepts taught before. The aims and objectives of any organization are achieved after giving value to the total customer satisfaction through the fulfilment of the commitments made in a timely manner, keeping information confidential.

For dealing with such critical situations and managing the client at that time is defined with experienced labour skills. Therefore, the factor of experience counts more than management learning. A recent survey by job search portal shows that 47% of companies' value first previous experience of job applicants required. Secondly, 43% of companies value the candidate show a positive attitude, enthusiasm for work, learn and get involved.

Candidates agree with those responsible for human resources, and that 66% believe that the most valued is previous experience in the required position. In contrast, only 14% of the candidates believe that a positive attitude is a key in getting a job (Champoux, 2011, n.d).

Finally, aspects such as educational level (5%) and the availability of time (3%) are the least valued by the companies surveyed, although it should be noted that many languages ??positively valued as "other aspects". Therefore facts also support this view that studying management is more or less equal to wasting your ...
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