Organization & Behaviour

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TESCO Organization & Behaviour

TESCO Organization & Behaviour

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast three different organizational structures and cultures.

The organizational culture

Culture is the way we think, feel and act in a society. Companies act not only according to their identity but also their culture and internal structure. That is, as a person, the "personality" of the company (Way of being and behaving) depends on the interaction between their structures and identity culture.

Organizational culture is the way of thinking, feeling and doing shared members of the company. Culture is a good or intangible capital, consisting of shared values, which, to the extent that generates motivation, collaboration and commitment, will have a greater value for the company. It is a system of assumptions and shared meanings, such as identity, distinguishes the organization from any another. Culture not formally indicates how to do things in the company and what is their importance (Wilson, 1989, P. 303-319). It is a social construction based on customs, learning, experiences and traditions. This culture may or may not further the objectives of the company. Culture becomes visible and / or strengthened through different aspects, such as:


The degree of commitment of staff to the company as a whole, and not just with your type of work or specific field performance.

Group organization

The extent to which work activities are organized in around groups rather than individuals.

Consideration of the person

The degree to which decisions management taking into account the impact that will have on the results members of the company.

Internal integration

The extent to which each unit promotes the company (department, management, division) to work in a coordinated and interdependent with each other.


How much and how it is controlled by rules, regulations and direct supervision (formal structure)

The risk attitude

The extent to which employees are encouraged and managers are innovative, risky, proactive and open to change.

Rewards criteria

On what basis and rewards are distributed incentives such as salary increases, promotions, benefits.

Conflict tolerance

How far is encouraged or expected to employees to speak openly and bring their conflicts and reviews.

Results orientation

The extent to which management is based on the achievement timely goals or results and also considers the techniques, processes, accumulation potential, learning cycles and other aspects.

The systems approach

To what extent the company as a whole considers incorporates, respond and make changes in the environment. Culture, as the mental model, influences how people perceive the world (Tohidi & Jabbari, 2012).

These aspects are not always formally explicit (i.e., in the organizational structure) but arise and occur by way of habits, assumptions, implicit expectations, spontaneous group behaviors, attitudes, and all kinds of "Structure" informal. Be distinguished culture of each individual company's culture organizational, conceived as unity of thought and action against third parties. It this is a "dominant culture", although it can, and should, be adapted to each person in particular. There may also be different subcultures in a company, more or less facing each other, which will result in different degrees and types of conflicts organizational.

To the extent that there is a strong culture rooted in the limbs, ...
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