Organization Behavior

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Organization Behaviour

Executive Summary

The paper examines the impact of different impact of organizational behavior. The paper also examines and compares the two different approaches that are related to the leadership and also to know about the strengths and limitations associated with the leadership approaches. There have been various studies or theorists who focused on these approaches of leadership and there studies are discussed in the following part of this study. For an organization it is important that the leader should be at his peak because if the leader of an organization is not effective than the performance of his followers will also decline so we can say that there may de direct relationship between the leader's efficiency and effectiveness of his followers. The organizational culture is conceived as a factor that influences individual behaviour and collective concerns the values, norms and beliefs shared by individuals within an organization, creating the environment in which they perform their work. It is vital to the survival of any business or organisation. In contrast, many organisations with poor planning and poor organisation and control techniques have survived due to the presence of dynamic leadership.

Executive summary1


Organizational Structure and Culture4

Organizational Culture and Change4

Relationship between Organizational Culture and Structure6

Organizational Culture and Performance7

Different Approaches to Management and Leadership7

Organizational Theory and Implementation7

Agency Theory8

Relationship between Motivational Theories8

Motivational Theory at Workplace8

Theoretical Approaches of Motivation9

Motivational Theories and Their Application9

Reinforcement Theory: A Non-Cognitive Theory of Motivation9

Financial Rewards and Employee Benefits10

Different Leadership Styles and Its Effectiveness13

Leadership in a New Global Era13


Leadership Development Practices at Wal-Mart13

Area Leadership and Training Development14

Equal Employment Opportunity training14

Business Leadership Growth and Training14

Talent Management15

Evaluation and Demonstration of Contrasting Theories15

The Impact of Leadership Style15

Leadership Theories16

Leadership Skills in an Organisation16

Efficiency and Innovation of the Leadership Styles17

Relationship between Motivation Theory and Practice Of Management19

Employee Motivation19

Needs of the employee19

Work environment19


Fairness and Equity20

Understanding Of Teamwork and It Effectiveness20


Develop Effective Team Relationships and Performance21


Leadership as a Cultural Process21



Organizational Behavior


For most organizations, employees are their most valuable resource. The employees are usually the ones in charge of accomplishing the company's objectives. The success of an organization is generally determined by the commitment and abilities of its work force. Employees are the backbone of the industry. Therefore, employee's behavior and culture has to be managed well in the organization (Churchill, 1999, pp 12-56).

According to Eisenberger (1996), organization behavior is the vast field that includes sociology, psychology, management and the communication and interactions among the workforces. The basic purpose of any organization is to be successful and earn maximum profits and this will only be achievable if the human resource is giving 100 % output to the organization, this will only be achieve when the human resource work with full motivation ,interest ,hard work and satisfaction, the organizational behavior studies the rapid changes in the corporate cultures and managers are giving more attention on the reactions ,attitudes of the employees because the core secret behind the success of any organization is their human resource, in today's competitive world the understanding the organizational behavior is very vital ...
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