Organization And People

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Organization and People

Organization and People


The topic that we got for the essay to critically assess is the similarity that we found out while working together as a group work and also a problem that is part of the employees in the organizational structure. Moreover, we tend to highlight on the problem that we have in our group and the similar problem is also found commonly in the people of different organizations. Thus, the problem for us to tackle during the project work was to work the group in the most effective way along with coping up the members from different background. It will not be wrong if we highlight that the world was, is and I guess it will be full of conflicts between people, between regions and countries due to differences in the way of thinking, feeling and acting. If these differences are not known, analyzed and understood, it will be difficult to work or do business or live in a country with people who think, feel and act differently (Buller, 2002, pp. 305- 328).

Culture is an integrated system of beliefs, norms, and representations of reality or values shared by a group or global society. It is a collective phenomenon. There is a culture good-bad, inferior-superior. Each culture is relative to other cultures in the way of seeing and perceiving the world. People from different cultures perceive the world differently and have different ways of doing and seeing things. There are both visible and invisible aspects that define and characterize a national culture. Among the former are the language, writing, and manners. These are characteristics that have an impact on everything every day. While the issues are those that are invisible to privacy as styles in decision making in the negotiation process in the shareholding system aspects related to values and beliefs. To better understand the impact of culture on trade and international business. Several researchers have developed ways to describe categories of differences in national cultures and how they affect organizations.


As far as United Kingdom is concerned, the organizations in U.K. follow adapting models. If we critically observe the operations and activities of the company in United Kingdom, it can be seen that they are continuously introducing new products, incorporating new technologies, and working on diversified systems. All these things are based on the adaptation or adapting model because there is continuous improvement and changes in the organizational offerings and settings. On the other hand, if we observe the other countries it could be observed that the management of that subsidiary is working on control models. The reason for the statement is that there is a high degree of rules and regulations, and the management also conducts direct supervision manages and directs the employee behaviour (Campion, 2004, pp. 490-503).

Gradually, groups have become the basis of the 21st century workplace. The thinking behind this extensive use of groups is that they can create an environment in which synergy can be achieved and the final result ...
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