Organization And People

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Organization and People

Organization and People


Achieving various task by developing and implementing a plan through team roles help the organization to achieve its target and objectives. It effectively manages the task and makes the task very easy for the organization and team. Teacher or team player can play a crucial role in the organization and high school to achieve the target. They play a crucial role in especially in schools or organizations, where individuals are not well equipped, and they require proper training to handle things. In this paper, we will analyze various phases included in the process of planning, and implementation phases in a game plan that enhances the team work in the organization. We will assess methods of instruction, learning theories and assessment.


Evaluating Skills

Over the past decade, a national shortage of qualified teachers and trainers has been well documented in the education literature, causing a high number of unprepared and non-certified personnel to provide instruction to students, including those with disabilities. This shortage impacts rural specific education because openings may be more difficult to fill in rural districts, causing a number of teachers to serve on emergency or waiver of certification status. Faced with this teacher shortage and the need for standards-driven school reform, collaboration and consultation among teachers required for successful problem solving and whole school viability (Ahmed, S., B.W. Ickes, P. Wang, & B.S. Yoo, 1993 pp.115-120).

Another reason for the growing need for collaboration is the increasing presentation of diversity in student needs. There is a national trend toward using teacher teams and collaboration to solve various learning and behavioral problems in public schools. This trend continues in importance because students in public schools are continually presenting more diverse needs, and no one teacher possesses all the expertise necessary to address the many and varied issues that emerge in classrooms.

Collaborative consultation empowers educators, parents, and students. Collaboration has been common in schools even before becoming popular on a broad basis because of the historic need in rural areas to share scant resources. Therefore, the preparation of pre-service and in-service teachers to participate in and contribute to team decision-making for students with diverse and exceptional needs is especially imperative in rural areas (Ali, M, & Shaw, R, 1988, pp. 105-127).

Team collaboration requires redefinition of roles and structures in conjunction with reflection on practice. Team development occurs in stages (Joiner, 1993). Each stage adds a dimension to the team's effectiveness (Are we doing the best job possible?), efficacy (Are we doing the best prospective job in the best ways possible?), and efficiency (Are we doing the best prospective job in a timely manner?).

In addition, at all levels of education, there is a focus on performance indicators of expected learning. With the shift from curriculum-based to performance-based measures that require knowledge and skills, this method of evaluating team member performance provides reliable data to indicate that pre-service teachers perform at levels of competence required to meet NCATE ...
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