Organization And Leadership: 7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd. by

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Organization and Leadership: 7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd.





The Company: 7-Eleven Stores4

The Organisational Culture5

The Business Strategy7

Competitive Advantage and Internal Resources8

Formal Organizational Structure: Impact on Communications and Decision Making9

Linkages between Specific Dimensions of Strategy10




The purpose of the paper was to assess the strategic dimensions of 7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd, as well as, to provide an opportunity to utilise the knowledge of strategic planning to develop proposals concerning the future operations of a 7-Eleven Stores. Therefore, the paper assessed the organisational culture, utilised appropriate theories about business strategy to assess the relevance of the three dimensions, assessed the formal organizational structure and its impact on communications and decision making, utilised appropriate theories to assess the linkages between specific dimensions of strategy and presented appropriate arguments to justify the conclusions drawn from the research. The paper utilised secondary resources for acquiring information from the contemporary and relevant research conducted in the context of the paper.

Organization and Leadership: 7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd.


The paper strives to assess the strategic dimensions of 7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to utilise the knowledge of strategic planning to develop proposals concerning the future operations of a 7-Eleven Stores. In an attempt to serve the purpose of the paper, the paper assesses the organisational culture, utilises appropriate theories about business strategy to assess the relevance of the three dimensions, assesses the formal organizational structure and its impact on communications and decision making, utilises appropriate theories to assess the linkages between specific dimensions of strategy and presents appropriate arguments to justify the conclusions drawn from the research.

The Company: 7-Eleven Stores

7-Eleven Stores is a part of an international chain of convenience stores. It is a private company owned by the Withers/Barlow family. The company is licensed to franchise and operate the chain of convenience stores in Australia from the 7-Eleven Inc. in the United States. 7-Eleven Inc. operates more than 51,000 stores worldwide in approximately 16 countries. Moreover, it is also estimated that the company is opening at an average of six stores per day around the globe. There are approximately 600 stores of the company in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory in the country. According to an estimate by the website of 7-Eleven Australia, the company has 400 Franchisees that are working hard to satisfy more than 170 million customers annually. The first store in Australia opened in the Melbourne on August 24, 1977. The company has come a long way in these thirty six years, and is still helping other Australian families to live a prosperous life by owning a successful franchise (, 2013). The stores sell daily newspapers, snack foods, confectionary items and drinks. 7-Eleven also sell pre-prepared food such as rolls, wraps, sandwiches and pies under the brand name “munch”. The company has also partnered with BankWest and have installed their ATMs in all of the stores across the country (, 2005).

The Organisational Culture

The organisational culture refers to the behaviour of employees associated ...