Organization And Behaviour

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Organization and Behaviour

Organization and Behaviour



The current organizational structure is very rigid due to which employees are not motivated enough to work for the company. The most affected are the researchers since they are unable to come up with new ideas. Before the new rules were implemented, thus used to visit nearby stores and get ideas from the available toys. However, the new strict rules do not give them the permission to do so during their work hours. One way in order to motivate the employees to come up with innovative ideas is to relax the rules a little so that they may go out in search for ideas.

Another problem currently being faced is that due to flexible timings, the supervisors are not aware of the number of employees and the level of activity in certain departments. This makes operations more difficult and inefficient. This problem can be resolved by setting fixed timings so that everyone may arrive and leave on time. The flexible timings are also resulting in employees working less than the required hours by rigging the time clock. Resolving these two issues alone will lead to major improvements in the efficiency of the organization and develop a more organized culture.


The manufacturing department will have to be kept more formal since full level of production cannot be maintained without the full load of employees. The current flexible rules mean that employees can come at any time between 8:00 to 10:00. Along with this, lunch time begins at 11:00. This is causing a lot of inconvenience because the full strength of employees is never present at the floor due to which the production is reduced. The department can be made more formal by enforcing strict rules in regards to the time at which employees enter and leave. This would enable all the employees to be available at the time of production.

The employees would also be set a fixed lunch time at which the entire production process would stop for an hour. This would enable the employees to take their lunch break and return an hour later to begin production.


By establishing different procedures for each department, the employees could be de-motivated as they would think that the other department may be performing better. For instance, the production team would have strict rules which the research team would not have to follow strict procedures. This would result in issues for the human resource department as every employee would demand equal treatment. In order to ensure that the employees remained committed to their work, the management would have to communicate the reasons for the differences in rules and policies.

The advantages of having different procedures for each department will overshadow the resistance from the employees. In order to maintain their focus, the employees who have to follow strict procedures can be offered incentives that would help them maintain their composure and dedication while being motivated to work. The employees need to be ensured that the changes in policies are for the benefit ...
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