Organisations And Behaviour

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Organisations and Behaviour


This report uses various theories and literature to explore and evaluate the manner in which motivational theories and leadership theories and practices are utilised in today's organisations along with the structure and culture of the organisation to understand and anticipate the behaviour of employees at the workplace. The report uses various real life examples of the organisations to explain the theory and support the assertions being given by the writer.



Assignment part A: Task11

Comparing and contrasting different organisational structures and cultures1

Impact of relationship between an organisation's structure and culture on the performance of any organisation3

Factors that influence individual's behaviour at work3

Assignment part A: Task 24

Leadership styles in two organisations4

Management practices in the two organisations5

Different approaches to management6

Assignment Part B: Task 37

Change in an organisation7

Leadership styles in the period of organisational change8

Application of different motivational theories9

Specific motivational theories for managers10

Assignment B: Task 410

How groups work within organisations10

Factors that promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork in organisations11

The impact of Technology on team functioning12



Organisations and Behaviour


Organisational behaviour is a field of increasing concern in the modern business world. The relationships between the organisations and individuals that work within them are crucial to the success of the organisations. However, the behaviour of the individuals and groups in an organisation are based on a number of factors which are important to study in order to devise proper strategies and apply relevant leadership and motivational theories.

Assignment part A: Task1

Comparing and contrasting different organisational structures and cultures

The structure of different organisations differs according to the goals, objectives and culture prevailing in the organisations. On the basis of the study of number of organisations and literature, various organisational structures are identified. The organisational structure can be based on different dimensions. The organisational structure may be functional, product based, matrix, tall, short, centralised or decentralised (Anonymous, 2004, pp.74-79).

The organisational structure differs across the organisations. For instance, the organisational structure at Tesco is strictly hierarchical and tall structure. The span for control of each reporting authority is not too wide so that manager at each level is able to precisely manage, monitor and control the employees under his responsibility. The structure at Tesco is divided according to the different business units of the company. Within each business unit, the same hierarchical structure is followed which is mainly centralised since the employees can participate to a certain extent but there is no or less delegation. This structure is effective for a widespread organisation like Tesco as it ensures more control; however, it often leads to delay in decision making.

Comparing and contrasting the structure of Tesco with another well known and large organisation that is Coca-Cola, one can discern a marked difference between the structures and cultures of the two organisations. The organisational structure at Coca-Cola is based on Regional strategic business units and is more decentralised. The employees from various functions and level of the organisations come together to work for the success of strategic business ...
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