Organisations And Behaviour

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Organisations and Behaviour

Organisations and Behaviour

Task 1 Relationship between Organizational Culture and Structure

Organizational behaviour focuses mainly on two elements combined, the culture and structure. These are permanently influence. Cultural issues have to do with the customs, rituals, beliefs of its members and their shared values. It is a characteristic marking, and therefore, regardless of the category in question, a company makes it different from another. In some ways it can be seen in the individual and group behaviour. The association of organizational culture with its structure is a significant theme. Both of these factors are complicate to clearly differentiate from each other. Organisational structure is effective with an organisational culture; however it is not separate completely. Both of these factors are extremely intertwined. The organizational culture is a wider picture and a general concept which is related to organisational issues and management.

The organizational structure is the infra structure and the management practices and methods within the infrastructure that is supportive for the organizational culture to perform tasks consistently and efficiently which should be a hallmark of all the organizational structures. This is a key factor which makes the organizational structure an integral proportion of organizational culture, however, it also narrow down the particular segments of culture as its responsibilities. Organisational structure deals with the set-up of organizational culture (Ranganayakulu, 2005, pp. 33-89).

How the Relationship Can Affect the Organization

Organizational culture and structure are considered to be the backbone of any organization. It has developed new strategies and ideas that can influence any organizational planning. In addition, organizational culture and structure has close association with progress of any organization in both negative and positive way. It distinguishes the organization from others that do not have culture and structure. Moreover, the relationship of structure and culture determines the limitations of the organization. It determines the sense of license between employees to socialize with each other for successful achievement of organizational goals.

Any organization having structure and culture provides proper working environment and standards of workplace management. Every organization has policies and rule related to channel of communication with employee. The structure shows the reporting authorities which brings in effective decision making for organization. However, there are some drawbacks of the relationship of these key factors, if the culture is very complex it is difficult to make decisions quickly and t will lead to centralization of decision making (Yammarino & Dansereau, 2009, pp. 1-14).

Task 2- Factors Affecting Individual Behaviour at Work

As per the analysis of Michael Mattson and John Ivancevich, the key factors that influence individual behaviour at workplace include demographics, personal perception, abilities and skills, attitude and personality (Mullins, 2002, pp. 110-115). These factors are discussed below:

Demographic Factors

These factors include socio-economic background, nationality, level of education, age, sex and so on. Person belonging to good socio-economic background is more preferred in the organization as they are believed to perform well as compared to others. It is an important factor, which helps the management to select the appropriate candidate for a specific ...
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