Organisations And Behaviour

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Organisations and Behaviour



1.1Compare and Contrast Different Organisational Structures and Cultures3

1.2Organisation's Structure and Culture Impact on Business Performance4

1.3Factors influence Individual Behaviour at Work5

2.1Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles in Different Organisations6

2.2Organisational Theory underpins Management Practice7

2.3Different Approaches to Management8

3.1Impact of Leadership Styles may have on Motivation during Change9

3.2Application of Different Motivational Theories within the Workplace10

3.3Usefulness of a Motivation Theory11

4.1Nature of Group and Group Behaviour12

4.2Factors promote and inhibit Effective Teamwork Development12

4.3Impact of Technology on Team Functioning13



Organisations and Behaviour


This report is produced for Principal of City College to provide advice on different organisational structure and culture, and its impact on performance of business. This report also includes factors influencing individual behaviour, different styles of leadership, theories of motivation, factors that promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork, and impact of technology on team functioning to evaluate on the overall business performance.


1.1Compare and Contrast Different Organisational Structures and Cultures

Culture can be defined as a set of traditions, values, policies, habits, symbols and attitudes, which direct actions and behaviours in organisations through identifying and defining desirable behaviour for different situations. Since, City College is associated with a service oriented business; therefore, they must devise a culture that place customers at the heart. Customer centric culture focuses on five key values: heart (faith in what they do), helpful (operate as a team), inspiring (create new opportunities), straightforward (make things clear), and trustworthy (do what they say) (Tuuli & Rowlinson, Fellows & Liu, 2012, pp.149-175). Under this culture, relationship development with all stakeholders is essential to remain competitive. In contrast, rigid culture with strong reporting structure ensures appropriate effective power structure within the organisation, where role of employees and staff are quite clear, and there is no or less span of innovation and collaboration. This sort of culture and structure within the workplace helps administration or management to meet short-term goals successfully without delay; however, often result in lower motivation among employees.

In service oriented business, such as City College, it is essential for management and leadership to equally focus on both internal (faculty and other staff) and external customers (students). Thus, it is suggested that City College must adopt moderate approach to define City College culture. Organisational culture must focuses on the development of shared meanings and norms. Such organisational culture is based on the assumption of interaction and communication, ultimately directs to behavioural norms that become cultural characteristics of City College.

Organisational structure plays a vital role and has a direct effect on performance of business. Formal and tall hierarchical do not provide flexibility and team culture within the organisation but offers effective controls, clear job roles, competition dominates, achievement is stressed, and conflicts are solved by the exercise of assertiveness and power. On the other hand, a flat structure that is partly because of its change from autocratic to democratic style of management (Lantz, 2011, pp.75-96). This management structure is best fits with service oriented business to develop as it allows team work and effective ...
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