Organisations And Behaviour

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Organisations and Behaviour

Organisations and Behaviour


Organizations are very complex systems that comprise of “Personalities, small groups, intergroups, norms, values, attitudes” that exist in multidimensional pattern (Mullins, 2005, p.25). One of the most important aspects of the organizational studies is that, organizations depend on the human behaviour and its control. Therefore, it is not possible for an organization to achieve its goals and success without understanding the behaviour of its employees. Another important aspect of organizational studies is to control these behaviours with different strategies and implementation of affective theories in organization. According to Chanda (2007), “Organisation Behaviour concerns itself with the study and understanding of the individual and group behaviour and patterns of structure in order to improve organisational effectiveness and performance” (Chanda, 2007, p.348). It is very essential to understand and control the behaviour of people working in an organization, because behaviour of people, defines behaviour of organization. Human behaviour also depends on various factors such as psychological, environmental and social. All these factors affect performance and behaviour of the people working in an organization. Therefore, it is very essential to understand social, psychological and environmental needs and problems of these people. This depends on the management, leadership, motivation, job design, structure and culture. Organization and behaviours of its people can be studied with the example of a fictional Swedish car manufacturing company, The Hawk Car Company, which faced many problems due to its traditional job design, hierarchical structure, lack of motivation, and issues of team work.


Car manufacturing is one of the most advance and innovative industries all over the world. There are rapid and fast changes with the technological advancements. In the competitive environment it is very essential for such industries and organizations to keep changing, and adopting new strategies and technologies for their success and stability. As compare to these needs it is observed that most of the car manufacturing companies in Europe lack advancements and innovations and follow traditional approaches in the fast world. According to BERR policy suggests that innovation is “a major determinant of productivity performance” and that differences in innovation performance are “a significant cause of the UK's relatively weaker productivity performance” (Patterson,, 2009, p.3). The Hawk Car Company is an example of most of the car companies that follow traditional ways of its business operations, production, low skilled workers, and typical line of production, hierarchical structure, and dissatisfaction of workers, high absenteeism, recruiting problems, and low performance. In order to deal with all these situations, various measures were taken by the organization to overcome these problems through innovation and changes at their operation plants, job design, technology, and the complete change in the work system and production workshop that resulted in resolving issues and motivate workers to increase their productivity.

Task 1: Organizational Structure and Changes at Hawk Car Company

Issues Arising From Hierarchical Structure and Taylorist Methods

Organisational structure plays a major role in control and decision making process. Therefore, efficient management and communication is very essential in an ...
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