Organisational Politics

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Political Activity is Alive and Well in Organizations

Political Activity is Alive and Well in organizations


Organization is a coalition of interest, so exists in the identification and solution of the problem. In the process of negotiation for consensus, politicking takes place. Therefore, the existence of power and politics is the inevitable phenomena in every organization. In order to manage and to be managed in the organization efficiently every individual starting from the top to bottom needs to have knowledge of power and politics in the organization (Bacharach, & Lawler, 2010). Organizational politics is an inescapable and intrinsic reality. Organizational politics is so intricately woven with management system that relationships, norms, processes, performance and outcomes are hugely influenced and affected by it.

Organizational Politics Defined

Organizational politics can be described as self serving and manipulative behavior of individuals and groups to promote their self interests at the expense of others, and sometimes even organizational goals as well. Organizational politics in a company manifests itself through struggle for resources, personal conflicts, competition for power and leadership and tactical influence executed by individuals and groups to attain power, building personal stature, controlling access to information, not revealing real intents, building coalitions etc.

Organizational politics is activities in which managers engage to increase their power and to pursue goals that favor their individual and group interests. Organizational politics involve those activities taken within organizations to acquire, develop and use power and other resources to obtain one's preferred outcomes in a situation in which there is uncertainty or dissensus about choices. Employees working in the organization can engage in political behavior to gain promotion or influence organizational decision-making in their favor (Cropanzano, Howes, Grandey, & Toth, 1997).

Factor Leading to Organizational Politics

Not all groups or organizations are equally political. In some organizations, for instance, politicking is overt and rampant, while in others politics plays a small role influencing outcomes. Why is there this variation? Recent research and observation have identified a number of factors that appear to encourage political behavior. Some are individual characteristics, derived from the unique qualities of the people the organization employees; others are a result of the organization's culture or internal environment. Both individual and organizational factors can increase political behavior and provide favorable outcomes (increased rewards and averted punishments) for both individuals and groups in the organization.

Individual factor: At the individual level, researchers have identified certain personality traits, needs, and other factors that are likely to be related to political behavior. In terms of traits, we find that employees who are high self monitors possess an internal locus of control and have a high need for power are more likely to engage in political behavior. The high self monitor is more sensitive to social causes, exhibits higher levels of social conformity, and is more likely to be skilled in political behavior than the low self monitor. Individual with an internal locus of control, because they believe they can control their environment, are more prone to take a proactive stance and attempt to manipulate situations ...
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