Organisational Culture And Structure

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Study of Organisational structures and Culture

Study of Organisational Structures and Culture

Question 1 LO 1.3


Mr Christiaanse

Kees Christiaanse Architects & Planners

Dear Sir

It is to bring into your knowledge that, the culture of the organization is participative in nature. Organizational culture often has a significant impact on the motivation of the individual. If he is comfortable in the organization, impact of such a worker will be higher. The formation of organizational culture influence: the culture of the society within which the organization operates culture of senior management organization management, assertive leadership in the implementation of new norms of behaviour, ideas, views and ideologies.

According to social psychologist Kurt Lewin, the behaviour of employees is a function of the interaction between personal characteristics and environment surrounding the person. Since the job security is not assured the decion making may not be as effective as it should be. Employee will try to delay the project completion in order to avoid their job lay off. Hence the cost of production can be adversely effected. The decision making should involve the manager as well.

Yours Sincerely


Consultant Kees Christiaanse Architects & Planners

Question 1

2.1 Democratic approach Vs. Authoritative Approach

Democrats, shaking his finger at his temple, tell us about the absurdity of the question itself. The alternative is missing, burned in their minds the idea that authoritarian methods - an evil which reduces the efficiency, can contribute to the growth of production, the progress of staff and so on. Fact that the Democrats take for granted the assertion that the man - being management. And since it is driven exclusively mind, he does not need tight control, he is interested in the effectiveness of their work. Hobbes agrees that a person is intelligent, but at the same time, he added that "A man - a reasonable selfish." It fought two early and often self-interest prevails over reason (Yafang, 2011, pp. 98-106).

The democratic approach - this is a compromise leadership style. Management of the organization by the head, but any member may participate in the decision-making. In other words, the manager says, "where to go." Private employee has the freedom and authority to determine "how to walk." The "peaceful" times the democratic style is considered optimal for most companies (Yafang, 2011, pp. 98-106).

The authoritarian leader is most typical in today's corporate world. Perhaps someone thinks that "tough leadership" - a relic of the past century? Then we can provide the fire department, which puts out a fire without a commander. Benefits of becoming an authoritarian style can be seen in those moments when you need to simplify the process of managing the organization. Crisis, the implementation of a major project, starting a business - in these cases, the head takes full responsibility (Scarpello, 2008, pp.256-289).

2.2 Maslow's Theory

Maslow, analyzing needs, determined the sequence of their appearance (the hierarchy). The first place belongs to the physiological needs, indispensable to the survival of the individual. These include the need for food, water, rest, and sexual needs. In second place is the need ...
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