Organisational Culture

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Development and Management of Organisational Culture Over Time - Considering Fragmented Sub-Cultures

Table of Contents


Discussion & Analyses5

Modern Day Segmentations in Organizational Culture5

Controlling Organizational Culture6

Training & Development to Manage Organizational Culture8

Leadership Culture and Organizational Culture9

Conclusions& Inferences12


Table of Figures

Figure 1 - The Three Cultures of Management7

Figure 2 - Leadership culture in the Context of Organizational Culture10

Development and Management of Organisational Culture Over Time - Considering Fragmented Sub-Cultures


An organization's culture does not develop overnight. It develops under the influence of a large number of external and internal variables and the influence of their interaction (Dion, 2008; Ebener & O'Connell, 2010). While it may be easy to identify the characteristics of the organizational culture that prevails across a workplace, it is highly a complex determine the constituents that come together to form the organizational culture in question. Studies that have been carried out on organizational culture in the past are restricted and limited (in their general applicability) by the fact that each workplace is unique and distinct; thereby making it difficult to expect an organizational culture management strategy to be formed so that it is eligible for generic application (Lindgreen, Swaen, Harness & Hoffmann, 2011; Shim & Steers, 2012).

The purpose of this discussion is to delve into the intricacies of organizational culture and the manner in which it takes influence from a variety of different factors. In order to do so adequately, the direction adopted by this discussion will seek to investigate the development of organizational culture. This will be supplemented with an in depth exploration of the approach/approaches that mangers can utilize in order to exercise control over organizational culture. In order to do so adequately, it will be imperative to make use of a critical perspective that highlights the extent to which the organizational culture in a workplace can be expected to be fragmented so that particular sub-cultures are isolated from each other. The discussion will eventually come to a conclusion with the presentation of recommendations directed towards the effective management of organizational culture and the perspectives that can be utilized in the process.

Discussion & Analyses

Modern Day Segmentations in Organizational Culture

The last century presented the challenge of racial segregation in the workplace; but this undeniably apparent challenge was dealt with and resolved over time (Shim & Steers, 2012; Yuhee & Takeuchi, 2010). However, the modern day segregation that prevails in today's workplaces' organizational culture is far more complicated and much easier to overlook. Organizational culture, in its modern form, is segregated essentially along the lines of the hierarchy (Wilderom, van den Berg & Wiersma, 2012; Mokhber, Ismail & Vakilbashi, 2011).

The segmentation of organizational culture in a workplace is primarily influenced by the following factors:

Physical proximity of employees in the workplace

Income scales of employees

Job descriptions and team assignments

Other factors may include (but are not limited to) age, gender, experience and expertise (Simosi & Xenikou, 2010; Dorfman, Javidan, Hanges, Dastmalchian & House, 2012). In this regard, it is imperative to note that employees located along the same horizontal level tend to exercise a sub-culture that ...
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