Organisational Change

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Organisational Change

Organisational Change

There are various reasons due to which individuals and organisations tend to resist change. There are some features that play a vital role in the successful implementation of organisational change. An appropriate managerial behaviour is required for the effective implementation of organisational change. Therefore, in this topic various features and issues will be discussed related to organisational change. To some extent the nature of the organizations tend to resist change. To ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness, organizations create strong defences against change, change is often opposed to interest and damages created due to various activities. Certain land rights or prerogatives of decision-making groups, teams and departments have established and accepted over time. There are certain factors which would be discussed above are:

• Organization Design: Organizations that require stability and continuity to function effectively.

The legitimate need for a structure also leads to resistance to change. The use of a rigid design and attachment to the hierarchy of authority usually causes employees to have recourse to specific communication channels and they focus attention only on their own duties and responsibilities. The more mechanical the larger organization, the number of levels would be even high through which an idea would be passed. Therefore, this organizational design increases the likelihood any new idea that would occur in the organization might be eliminated. Organizations are designed to be more adaptable and flexible to reduce resistance to change created by the rigid organizational structure.

• Organizational culture: Organizational culture plays a vital role in change. Cultures are not easy to change and may become the main source of resistance towards necessary change. One aspect of effective organizational culture lies in the flexibility to seize opportunities for change.

• Resource constraints: The change requires capital, time and qualified people. Officers and employees of an organization try to identify changes that could or should do, but it may be necessary to delay or abandon some of the desired changes due to resource constraints.

• Agreed criteria: It is usually agreed between organizations that impose obligations on persons which limits their behaviour.

• Overcoming resistance to change: The resistance to change never cease completely. However, managers, and employees can learn to identify and minimize resistance, and thus become more effective agents of change. (Aldrich, 2006, pp.114-129)

Kurt Lewin was one of the first social psychologists who developed a way to observe the change that has proven useful for managers and action-oriented employees. His approach was called Force Field Analysis and said that any situation can be considered in a state of equilibrium resulting from the balance of force that pushes each other constantly. To initiate change someone has to act to change the existing balance of forces which are:

- To increase the force for change

- By reducing the intensity of the forces that resists and total removal of them becomes necessary.

- With the change in the direction of a force that transforms a resistance to pressure for change.

An important part of Lewin's approach to behaviour change is to carefully ...
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