Organisational Change

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Organizational Change-Samsung

Organizational Change-Samsung


The problem is not that it is hard, it is because we do not dare to do that”.

Today, in this world the only that is constant is change. In order to stay competitive in today's industry it is very important for companies to adopt changes effectively. It becomes difficult for organizations to adopt and accept change because there are several different people working together in an organizational setting that is why they show resistance to change. In today's changing and dynamic world, companies can only survive if they are positive to change. The adoption of change is not an easy task for organizations therefore it has to be managed effectively and efficiently (Palmer, 2009, 33). Organization's management adopts variegated methods and techniques to adopt and manage these changes. When change occurs in an organization it changes each and every aspect of the organization. In every organization the process of change has become sensitive because ant disruption in satisfaction and morale of employee affects quality of productivity of the organization and eventually customers get affected. In short, the ability to change is a critical competency for successful organization which should be managed for effective performance because research has indicated that up to 70% organization when critically not will managed does not yield the promised results (Pimentel, 2005, 22). Organizational change emerges as one of research topics addressed by national and international scholars. In this paper we are going to discuss aspects of organization's (Samsung) readiness to change, identify behaviors necessary to occur, its implementation, and its effects. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of change and its management of an organization.

Organizational Brief

Samsung is a South Korean Company established on 1969. Initially the basic aim of the company was to manufacture electronic devices like calculators, washers, TVs, air conditioners, and refrigerators. Samsung started to grow and expand its business in telecommunications in 1977 and finally Samsung mobile company was established in 1983. Samsung is a global leader in telecommunication, digital media, semiconductor, and digital convergence technologies. Samsung has over 124 offices employing 138000 in 56 countries. There are five units of Samsung LCD business, Telecommunication Network Business, Digital Media Business, Digital Appliance, and Semiconductor Business (Eric, 2012, 2). Samsung has been awarded for its excellent work and performance in industrial Design Excellence Awards for five times which made the company a first Asian Company in winning awards. Samsung's competitors are from Europe and America. Sony is already beaten by Samsung because it has the strategy to introduce new products according to the requirement of consumers.

Samsung is one of the world's renowned Organizations. It specializes in the electronics industry. The high growth of Samsung has been attributed to its diversification strategy. In the start it used to be only in electronics, but within a short period it captured other markets as well. Even if there is slowing growth in one sector, Samsung reaps rewards from other ...
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