Organisational Behaviour And Sociology

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Organisational Behaviour and Sociology

Organisational Behaviour and Sociology

In today's world, the concept of motivation is increasing day by day. Most of the organization of this modern world is focusing more on employee motivation because it directly reflects the work performance. According to different theories of motivation, the general concept of all the theories focuses on satisfying the individual to get him or her motivated. When a person gets motivated, he or she automatically creates a passion for the work. In this paper we are mostly talking about employee motivation and sociology. Self-management of one's own career development is seen as increasingly important in this more uncertain environment. Individuals are being urged to take responsibility for their own careers not only by the popular press and career counselors but also by the organizations in which they presently reside. Researchers have argued that people want to feel in control of the direction of their own careers, with a sense that they can significantly impact their own destinies. However, this desire varies across individuals, and some find the prospect of having control of their own destinies frightening in what seems to be an increasingly uncertain world. The direction and intensity of personal motivation to influence one's career development varies across individuals. Personal motivation and career self-direction affect not only career success but also other factors, such as mental health and life satisfaction.


Douglas McGregor was one of the great people who popularized Human approach with his Theory X and Theory Y. In his research he found that although many managers spouted the right ideas, their actual managers indicated a series of assumptions that McGregor called Theory X. However, research seemed to clearly suggest that these assumptions were not valid but rather a different series of notions about human behavior seemed more valid. He called this Theory Y and urged managers to manage based on these more valid Theory Y notions.

As Douglas McGregor in his theory X who identifies an individual how does not like to work at all. It is something that no one can change because is the nature of the individual. (Robbins, 1996) These types of individuals are always late some time they don't show up to work. Requiring approval before making decisions and becoming stricter with a troubled employee will only aggravate the situation. Avoid face-to-face confrontation instead the employer can communicate his/her discontent via email. Another possible solution is sanctions but first we must look at externalities that might be affecting the job performance of the individual.

Take for example the theory of McGregor; he labeled two assumptions that an organization could adhere to. An organization could do away with the wielding of strong hands if they stick on McGregor's Theory Y. Rolling heads will be prevented while the organization assumes great rewards. With the theory's liberating and developmental personality, control, achievement and continuous improvement achieved by enabling, empowering and giving responsibility to the staff will be regarded as an unwritten protocol. Otherwise, the organization may use an authoritarian, repressive style of management as ...
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