Organisational Behaviour

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Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour

This paper is a case study which is about Handy Snacks which is a large circulation company. In this case we are going to find out the difficulties faced by Handy snacks in short run and furthermore in long run. We have to gaze at these difficulties and furthermore to present the answers to Handy Snacks in a better way.



The major difficulties which are being pursued by Handy Snack in its processing are as follows.


Short Term Problems

Following are the short period difficulties faced by the Handy Snacks.

Pricing & buying decision is a short period difficulty for Handy snacks. According to him the goods are not being granted correct charges and the buying conclusions are furthermore not in a correct way.


Long Term Problems

The major difficulty for Handy Snack in long run is that it does not have the better data technologies to use (Handy ,1993). Only a couple of older managers in one or two districts utilised the scheme regularly. This difficulty can wreck the long-term development of Handy snack which was a grave difficulty to believe on.

Recommendations to Short-term Problems

Based on the Societal, Organisational, Group & Individual framework (SOGI) following are the recommendations for Handy Snack in order to cope up with its difficulties.


Increased Competition

Handy Snacks faces the problem of increased competition in the snacks industry. Along with this is their stock prices have fallen drastically over the last three years and investors are loosing their confidence in the foods and snacks industry as a whole (Handy, 1993). Handy snacks should decide to layoff employees and outsource its call centres overseas.

Structure-Environment fit

Structure of the organisation helps a company very much to solve its long and short term problems. Handy snacks should change its organisational structure which basically fits the organisation. Environment forces outside the organization that potentially affect the organization's performance (Handy, 1993). Following from the contingency theory of organisations are the findings that a decentralized structure of authority is more appropriate for relative dynamic environments.

Contingency Theory

The most effective organizations achieve a degree of differentiation and integration in organizational boundary-spanning functions which is compatible with environmental demands" (Lawrence & Lorsch, 2007). According to contingency theory the design of the organisation must fit with the environment.

Is organization structure appropriate for the environment?

Here the question arises that is the organisational structure followed by Handy Snacks is appropriate for the environment? Answer is no, Handy snacks is following the bureaucratic structure. The main aim of any organisation is to reach certain predetermined goals (Handy, 1993). In an attempt to survive and obtain these goals effectively, certain decisions must be made as to what type of structure the organisation will posses which will entail guidance for individuals associated with the group as per their duties and day to day activities. One of the more common types of organisational structures found within today's society that has attempted to answer these questions of direction and efficiency is known as Bureaucracy.

The Bureaucratic model in itself is not a functioning organisational structure ...
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