Organisational Behaviour

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Management and Organisational Behaviour

Executive Summary

Achievement of goals and objective is a serious matter for any organisation. Every organisation wants to achieve their goals in a smooth manner. However, a number of problems are associated with the accomplishment of the goals. An organisation should focus on these problems to overcome for better outcomes. The first biggest problem is regarding the job dissatisfaction among employees. Dissatisfied employee will not be able to do his work properly. It is serious matter for the organisation to work for their employees. An organisation should use certain approaches to increase the satisfactory level of their employees. Another major problem is regarding the negative attitudes of the employees. Employees should realize that their negative attitude will create a bad impact over their personality and organisational goals. Decreased motivational level of the employee is another major problem that should be resolved for better outcomes.

Executive Summary2


Attitudes and Job satisfaction4

Conceptual Model for Job Satisfaction5

Frederick Herzberg's Theory6

Motivation at work7

Drive Theory of Motivation7

Humanistic theory of Motivation8

Job Characteristic Model8

Critical Appraisal9

Hilton Hotel11



Management and Organisational Behaviour


Positive attitudes, job satisfaction, and increased motivational level of an employee is directly associated with the better outcomes of the organisation. It is very important for the organisation to use certain approaches for the welfare of their employees. The organisational behaviour is also strongly connected with these three elements. Moreover, higher authorities and management of organisation should take serious measures to increase motivational and satisfactory level of the employees for the growth and development of the organisation.

Attitudes and Job satisfaction

Attitude can be defined as the settled way of feeling or thinking regarding any aspect. Positive attitude and thinking is extremely necessary at work place for the better outcomes of the employees. Employee should show positive attitude towards working and goals of his organisation. Job satisfaction is extremely necessary for every individual for effective outcomes in his working. Job satisfaction plays a significant role in the working of an individual. It was evaluated by a number of studies that positive attitudes have a direct impact over the job satisfaction (Morris & Venkatesh, 2010, p. 143).

Numerous studies have shown that the association between the nature of a person and job satisfaction. Moreover, various studies have shown that there is a great importance of attitudes in the job pleasure. A person should adapt and show positive behaviour and attitudes for proper job satisfaction. A study was conducted to assess the link between personality and job satisfaction. The result of the study concluded that there is a strong connection among the nature, personality, attitudes, and job satisfaction. Evidence based literature have revealed that the attitudes are based on the customs and standards of the family. Culture plays an important role in the increased satisfaction level of an employee (Morris & Venkatesh, 2010, p. 143).

Another aspect of the better results of the organisation shows that the work situation also makes a direct impact over the job satisfaction and attitudes of the individuals. It is very important for the organisation to maintain high ...
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