Organisational Behaviour

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Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour


In every facet of our lives, organizations are involved. In fact, our lives are organized by organizations. Our schedules are almost entirely set by organizations. The main goal of any organization is to success and attains profit and we (employees) are responsible for achieving those numbers (Deetz, 2005, 22). In past, employees were treated as money making machines and were graded on productivity, technical skills and budgets which in long run started to affect organizations. However, today studying behaviour of organizations has become important because in every facet of our lives, organizations are involved. In fact, our lives are organized by organizations. Our schedules are almost entirely set by organizations which eventually has impact on the productivity level of an organization.

For decades, managers have sought to improve organizational performance; this situation is as old as the culture. The purpose of organizational behaviour is to help ensure that the objectives are meaningful and contribute to organizational efficiency. In this paper we are going to discuss the importance of organizational behaviour by understanding relationship between organizational culture and organizational structure, understanding various leadership and management approaches, understanding way of using organizational theories, and understating mechanisms for developing effective organizational team work.

Task: One

1.1: In order to determine whether there is a relationship between culture and structure of an organization, it is essential first step in understanding the basics of these two words. The word culture comes from the Latin meaning cultivation, its components are cults (culture) and ura (action, result of action), it is defines as acquired knowledge that people used to interpret their experience and generate behaviour. While organizational structure is the set of all the ways in which the work is divided in different tasks. The structure has several parts: the individual, the group, the team, the social work, personal development, the formal structure, informal structure and interaction of structures (Booth, 2003, 45). There is significant relationship between team structure and its culture and matrix structure and its culture. Team structure and its culture is about creating a work culture in which letting the value of collaboration as In a teamwork environment, people understand and believe that thinking, planning, decisions and actions are better when done cooperatively.

Moreover the matrix structure is a combination of two types of separation: Function and product. With matrix structure we can have a culture in which there would be integration of different types of activities within the framework of ongoing projects and programs and increased personal responsibility. In short these both structures create culture full of sense of responsibility and people understanding which ultimately helps in achieving desired objectives.

1.2: Apple in 1990 changed its structure from simple for functional structure. It had positive impact on its performance. Following diagram shows structure of Apple in 1990s.

1.3: Motivating factors that motivated me to go to work includes potential growth, pay and benefits that my company pays, flexible working hours, and opportunity to ...
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