Organisation Change And Transition

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Organisation Change and Transition


The two CEO's Gordon James and Carolyn Smith have reached an agreement that Gordon will be the CEO for the merged group and Carolyn will take on the role of deputy.

Following on from their meeting, they held a joint away day with their senior management teams and struggled to reach an agreement on the process for the merger. Gordon's team wanted to go with a top down planned approach that just involved the senior management team; in contrast, Carolyn and her team wanted an emergent approach, which involved the entire workforce.

The away day highlighted the fact that certain jobs across both groups would be at risk in the new structure; this created tensions between the two teams and neither team was prepared to move forward in reaching a decision on the process.

The away day was a resounding failure and Gordon James consulted Age Support UK for advice on how to resolve the problems. The advice from head office was they needed to draw on the services of a change agent who could help them bring the two groups together. Age Support UK wants the merger to go ahead and said they would fund the services of a management consultant with specialist knowledge of the public and voluntary sector to assist with the merger.

A: SWOT Analysis:

Strength and threats as well as some opportunities.


Strong CEO strategic level and links to financial sector.( Longworth)

Gordon had originally worked in the financial sector as a Banker and had held a number of other strategic posts in industry

Global networks. ( Longworth)

Gordon James during his time as CEO has been extremely successful in re-focusing the group and obtaining several large-scale European Social Fund grants for innovative older people projects

Experience. ( Longworth)

Worked in the financial sector as a Banker and had held a number of other strategic posts(Badham,1999)

Friendly working environment.

Overall environment is friendly in nature at both the organisations one is following the emergent approach while the other follows top down planned approach.

City centre office. ( Longworth)

Democratic leader. ( Longworth)

Gorden tends to leave the day-to-day management to his front line staff

Meeting with all staff. (Southshore)

Carolys ensures that all workers have input in to the running and development of the organization.

Shared vision. ( Longworth)

Recruitment of volunteers. (Southshore)

Carolyn has been successful in recruiting volunteers to the group who support the various different projects.


Different leadership styles of CEO's and approaches to change.

One is following a democratic leadership style while on the other hand Carolyn is following lassiz faire style by taking input from the employees.

Failed to reach agreement and tension between teams.

Different cultures.

Both organizations have different culture, one is supposed to be open environemnet while the other follows the top down approach.

Different scales of operation (city vs town)

SouthShore is operating in both the area where as Longworth is operating in city only that's creating another difference between their scales of operations.


Demographics over 50

As changing demographics have been observed and there is a rise in the 50+ age group in the ...
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