Organisation Behaviour

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Organisation Behaviour

Organisation Behaviour



The organizational structure of BT has changed considerably in the last decade which has also altered the authority, work style and responsibilities of an individual employee at different levels of the organization. Company have evolved to a great extent and now the focus is build decentralized structures, delegate authorities to employees, and promote the concept of working in teams to gain benefits from synergy and aggregation. The organizational context has changed to a great extent and the previous mindset of working individually and aiming at personal benefits has changed to mutual consensus and organizational benefit. Personal orientation has changed into focus on the organizational goals and strategies. It has completely changed the time horizon of the employees who used to work for short term benefits and they now want to pursue long term benefits (Morgeson, 2010).

While, the organizational structure for Ryanair is a centralized structure with defined lines of command. There are two regional heads one for West Africa and one for central Africa. These two heads report directly to the CEO of the company. Under each of the two regional heads, there are 6 area heads. Each area look after the routes, services, sales and airports in vicinity. As mentioned, the structure is centralized; therefore decision making authority lies with the top management. This centralized structure ensures a uniform level of service and product is made available to all the passengers in all the areas of the West and central African market (Von Krogh, 2012).


Organizational culture is the backbone of the organization, is the invisible source where the vision reaches its guide to action. Successful transformation projects depend on the talent and the attitude of management to change the culture of the organization in accordance with the requirements of the environment. This is a broad and complex issue that is difficult to develop a complete list of the elements that compose it. In general, they speak of the entire set of rules, structures, beliefs, values, symbols, customs, etc.

Employees at BT are continuously interacting with the environment. Therefore, a conducive environment is necessary for the team to accomplish its task. Rewards and perks motivate team members to perform much effectively. The role of interaction and communication is also important in the context of environment specifically in virtual teams. Organizational structure is another important factor that influences the team performance and its performance in its own way. Hierarchy affect the interdependence and communication in the teams (BT Group Plc, 2013). Organizational leaders can help teams in terms of motivating them, providing them with strategic vision and direction, augmenting its flexibility and efficiency (Meyer, 2008).

Today, organizations need to design structures more flexible to change and that this change occurs as a result of learning of its members. This involves creating conditions to promote high performance teams, because team learning involves generating value in the workplace and greater adaptability to change with a broad vision towards innovation. Organizations with a philosophy of continuous learning work environments, workers ...
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